11. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council shall pay,
or tender in payment, the damages sustained, or which shall be
sustained, by any person or persons, as the same may be assessed
or ascertained by said commissioners, by reason of, or on account
of the opening or extending the said street, to the parties entitled
to receive the same, within thirty days after the lists made out by
the said commissioners in conformity with the provisions of the
fourth section of this act shall have been deposited in the office of
the register of the city of Baltimore.
12. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall give such
name to the said street, when extended, as they may think proper.
13. And be it enacted, That in case any person or persons, on
whose property is assessed any sum or sums of money, shall volun-
tarily pay the same into the treasury of the city of Baltimore at
any time before the expiration of thirty days after the return of the
commissioners shall be made to the register of the said city, in the
mode prescribed by the fourth section of this act, such person or
persons shall be entitled to a deduction of the commission which
may have been allowed to the collector by the said commissioners
in virtue of the provision in the said fourth section.
14. And be it enacted, That the act, entitled, An act for opening
and extending South-street in the city of Baltimore, passed at De-
cember session eighteen hundred and sixteen, be and the same is
hereby repealed.
Dec. Ses. 1817.
Payment of
Street may be
Persons pay-
ing within 30
days, deducti-
on to be made.
Act repealed.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to establish a
Hank and incorporate a Company under the name of The
Bank of Dorchester.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
every subscriber shall pay to the commissioners who shall attend
for opening the books, the sum of two dollars, at the time of sub-
scribing, for each share that shall be by him or her subscribed for,
and at the expiration of thirty days thereafter the further sum of
three dollars, and at the expiration of thirty days thereafter the
farther sum of five dollars, so as to make up the sum of ten dollars
on each share; and the remaining forty dollars on each share shall
be paid by such instalments, and at such time, as the directors
shall appoint, upon giving not less than three months notice of
such demand in the newspapers published in Easton, and some pub-
lic print in the city of Baltimore, and receipts shall be given for
the several payments so made; but when a subscriber shall have
paid the sum of ten dollars on each share, such subscriber shall be
entitled to receive a certificate, under the seal of the bank, and
subscribed by the president, for the number of shares by him or
her so held.
2. And be it enacted, That if any stockholder shall fail to pay
his or her instalments at the time and in the manner before speci-
fied, such stockholder shall forfeit to the use of the company all
monies paid antecedently to such failure or default, but no forfei-
ture shall take place after ten dollars on each share shall have
been paid; but as it is requisite that means shall be taken to secure
the regular payments of the subsequent instalments, therefore if
any stockholder shall fail to make regular payment after ten dollars
Passed Feb. 3.
Payments for