Dec. Ses. 1817
shall have been paid, such stockholder's money in bank shall re-
main free from interest, and not entitled to dividend, until such
instalment shall have been made good, and the dividend thereafter
to be made to such stockholder, as well upon the monies regularly
paid as upon those paid after default, shall be computed only from
the time such instalment was made good.
3. And be it enacted, That so much of the original act to which
this is a supplement as is inconsistent with the same be and is here-
by repealed.
Passed Feb. 3.
Comm'rs. ap-
pointed to ex-
tend street.
Money assess-
ed to be a lien
on property.
Damages to be
paid before
street is ex-
An act for opening Centre-street in the City of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Henry Stouffer, Isaac Phillips, William Winchester, John E. How-
ard, junior, and Solomon Etting, or a majority of them, be and
they are hereby appointed commissioners to open, extend, and lay
out Centre-street, in the city of Baltimore, of its present width,
from Howard street to Paca-street; and the said street, when so
opened and extended, shall be deemed and taken, and is hereby de-
clared to be a public street and highway for ever thereafter; and
the said commissioners are hereby required to return a plot of the
said street when opened and extended, to the office of the register
of the city of Baltimore, thereto be filed.
2. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid commissioners shall af-
ter having given at least ten days notice in one of the newspapers
at the city of Baltimore, proceed to assess and value, on oath, what
damages may be sustained by any person or persons whomsoever
by opening and extending the said street, and shall also declare
what sum of money each individual or company benefitted thereby
shall respectively contribute and pay towards compensating those
who are injured by the opening and extending of the said street,
and the names of the person or persons, or company, and the sum
of money which they shall respectively be obliged to pay, shall be
returned under the hands and seals of the said commissioners, or a
majority of them, to the office of the register of the city of Balti-
more, to bo filed and kept in his office, and the person or persons or
company benefitted by the opening of said street shall respectively
pay the sum or sums of money so charged or assessed to him or
them, with legal interest thereon from the time limited for the pay-
ment thereof.
3. And be it enacted, That the sums of money assessed and charg-
ed to each individual or company benefitted as aforesaid, shall he
a lien upon the property so benefitted thereby to the full amount
4. And be it enacted, That the said street shall not be extended
or opened through the property of any individual injured thereby
until the damage by them sustained and assessed as aforesaid shall
be paid or tendered in payment.
5. And be it enacted, That in case the obstructions in the said
street are not removed within sixty days after the payment or ten-
der of payment of the damages as aforesaid, the said commission-
ers, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised and directed to
remove the same without delay.