road, when opened and cleaved, shall be deemed a public road,
and shall be kept in repair in the same manner as other public
roads in said county are.
3. And be it enacted, That the commissioners shall be entitled
to receive as a compensation the sum of two dollars for every
day they shall attend for the discharge of the duties required of
them by this act, and the said overseer or overseers shall receive
the same compensation which the overseers of public roads re-
spectively receive, which compensation shall be levied, collected
and paid, in the same manner that other county charges are levied,
collected and paid.
4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners when they
lay out said road shall assess the damages, taking into conside-
ration the advantages or disadvantages sustained by the indivi-
duals over whose lands the said road may be laid out, and to re-
turn such assessment to the levy court, to be levied, collected and
paid, as other county charges are levied, collected and paid.
Dec. Ses. 1816
Damages to be
An act authorising George W. Lightner, late Sheriff and
Collector of Cecil County, to complete his collections.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said George W. Lightner be, and he is hereby autho-
rised and empowered to collect, until the first day of January,
eighteen hundred and eighteen, all balances due him as sheriff
and collector of Cecil county, in the same manner as he could or
might have done within the time limited by law, any law to the
contrary notwithstanding.
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said George
W. Lightner, before he proceeds to execute or distrain the pro-
perty of any person or persons for public dues in virtue of this
act, to deliver to such person or persons chargeable with the
same, at least thirty days previous to levying such execution or
distress, an account, written in words at full length, of the pub-
lic dues demanded of him, her or them, with an affidavit annexed,
that he hath not received any part thereof, nor any thing as se-
curity or satisfaction for the same, more than credit given, to the
best of his knowledge.
3. And be it enacted, That the said George W. Lightner before
he derives any benefit from or under this act, shall lodge a copy
of his collection books in the clerk's office of Cecil county, to be
opened for the inspection of all persons interested in the same.
Passed Jan. 27.
Time for col-
lection extend-
Before he exe-
cutes to deliver
Books to be
lodged in
clerk's office.
An act to limit the authority of the Bailiff or Constable
of the Village of Denton, in Caroline County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the person now acting as bailiff or constable, or all persons that
may ever hereafter be appointed as such by the commissioners of
the village of Denton, in Caroline county, in virtue of an act,
entitled, A further supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the
regulation and improvement of Denton, in Caroline county,
shall not have power, after the passage of this act, to serve any
Passed Jan. 27.
Constable not
to serve process
without the li-
mits of the vil-