Dec. Ses. 1816.
Damages to be
3. And he it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majo-
rity of them, shall value and assess the damages sustained by any
person or persons through whose lands the said road may pass,
taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages at-
tending the same, and the damages so ascertained, together with
the sum of two dollars a day, which is hereby allowed to the
commissioners for each and every day they shall act in discharge
of their duties under this act, shall be levied, collected and paid,
to the persons respectively entitled to receive the same, as other
county charges are.
Passed Jan 25.
Road made
Road to be shut
An act to make public a road now open between the lands
of Richard Caton and Robert T. Spence, and to shut
up and stop the Hunting Ridge Road from said Spence's
Gate to Maiden's Choice Run.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the road now open between the lands of Richard Caton and
Robert T. Spence, extending from the Elk Ridge Road till it in-
tersects the private, road leading from William Cole's to Maiden's
Choice Run, be deemed and taken to be a public road, provided
the levy court of Baltimore county shall consider such road to be
of public utility, in which case it shall be recorded, and kept, in
repair, in the same manner as other public roads are recorded and
repaired in Baltimore county.
2. And be it enacted, That all that part, of the road called the
Hunting Ridge Road, extending from said Spence's gate, on the
Elk Ridge Road, through his barn yard, to Maiden's Choice Run,
about two hundred and fifty perches westwardly, be stopped and
shut up, and hereafter not considered as a road.
Passed Jan. 25.
Road to be
laid out.
Overseer to be
An act to lay out and open a Road from a gate on the side
of the Road leading from the Rising Sun towards
Charles-Town, on the lands of the late Joseph Reynolds,
in Cecil County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court of Cecil county are hereby authorised and
empowered, to appoint three commissioners, and they, or a majori-
ty of them, are authorised and directed to survey and lay out a
road, not exceeding thirty feet in width, beginning at a gate on
the lands of the late Joseph Reynolds, on the road leading from
the Rising Sun towards Charles-Town, in a direction to the
Friends meeting-house in West Nottingham Hundred, to inter-
sect a public road leading to Port Deposit, and when surveyed
and laid out to return a plot thereof to the clerk's office of said
county to be there filed and recorded.
2. And be it enacted, That the levy court of said county, when
a plot of the road as aforesaid shall be returned by the commission-
ers aforesaid, is hereby empowered, at the next court thereafter,
to appoint an overseer or overseers to clear and open said road,
and to levy such sum of money as shall be considered reasonable,
for the purpose of clearing and opening said road; and the said