Passed Jan 15.
Persons ap-
pointed to lay
out road.
Books to be
opened for ad-
ditional stock.
A Further Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to Incor-
porate a Company to make a Turnpike Road to lead
from the Cross Roads near Richard Caton's Limekiln,
in Baltimore County, nearly in the direction of Jones's
Falls, to the City of Baltimore.
Whereas, by virtue of an act of assembly, passed at Novem-
ber session, eighteen hundred and eight, entitled, An act for
opening a certain road in Baltimore county therein mentioned,
the commissioners in the, said act named did, according to the
provisions thereof, lay off and mark a road forty feet wide, from
the end of the Falls turnpike road, near Richard Caton's lime-
kiln, to Benjamin Price's shop, from thence to the Black Rock
Mills, and from thence in such a direction as to intersect the main
road near George Kerlinger's mill; and about eight miles of the
said road have been opened, desired, and made passable, by the
Falls turnpike road company; and the said company have prayed
that a law may pass for enabling them to complete the said road,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Charles Worthington, Kensey Johns, Stephen Gill, of Ni-
cholas, Isaac Green, Robert G. Harper, and Richard Caton, be
and they are hereby appointed to view the said road, and they,
or a majority of them, shall lay out the same sixty feet wide from
the termination of the Falls turnpike road by Richard Caton's
limekiln, to the tenth mile-stone fixed by the said company; and
from thence as heretofore laid down by the commissioners under
the act of November session, eighteen hundred and eight, as
aforesaid; Provided, that if the said commissioners, or a ma-
jority of them, shall find that any part of the location of the
said road, between the said tenth mile-stone and George Ker-
linger's mill, may be altered and changed, so as to improve the
same, or promote the public convenience, they are hereby autho-
rised to make such alteration, so as that by such alteration the
said road shall not be made to pass through any orchard, yard
or garden, or field where grain or any other crop shall at the time
be sowed, planted or growing, without the consent of the
owner; and when they have marked and laid out the said road,
they shall cause a survey to be made of the same, and return two
certificates thereof, under their hands and seals, one to the clerk
of Baltimore county, to be filed in his office, and the other to the
president, managers and company, of the, Falls turnpike road.
2. And he it enacted, That when the said commissioners or a ma-
jority of them, shall have made a return of the location of the
road as herein directed, then the said president, managers and
company, of the Falls turnpike road, shall be empowered to open
books, and receive subscriptions for additional stock, to enable,
them to make and complete the said road, to any amount not ex-
ceeding one hundred and twenty thousand dollars, in shares of
one hundred dollars each, on such terms, and at such times and
places, as the said president and managers shall direct and appoint.