meron and the Messieurs Cather's, and thence on said line un-
til it intersects between William Cameron and Mrs. Ritpartre,
and thence on the said line until it intersects John Cord's land,
and thence in a straight direction until it joins the road leading
from the Brick Meeting-house to Charles-Town, at or near a new
school-house; and the said levy court shall have full power and
authority to appoint an overseer to open and clear the same
agreeably to the plot and certificate, which said commissioners
may return to the said court, and to levy and assess such sums of
money as they may deem necessary for defraying the expense at-
tending the same; and the said road, when so completed as
aforesaid, shall be deemed and taken to be a public road, and
kept in repair as other public roads in said county; Provided,
that the said road shall not pass through the yard, garden or
orchard, of any person or persons, without the consent of the
owner or owners thereof.
Dec. Ses. 1816
An act to lay out and open a Road in Cecil County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court of Cecil county be, and they, or a majority
of them, are hereby authorised, to appoint three commissioners
to survey and lay out a road in Cecil county, not exceeding thir-
ty feet in width, in the following direction: Beginning at a lane
on the land of David Patten, where it intersects the road leading
from Port Deposit to the brick meeting-house, in said county,
thence down said lane to the end thereof, thence through the
lands of James Cameron and John M'Gready, along the woods
of said M'Gready, and across the corner of one of his fields, to
the line between the lands of Robert Evans and William Came-
ron, thence along said line to the line between the lands of the
said William Cameron and Abraham Williams, thence along
the said line to the land of Peter Abraham's, thence through said
land, near a large chesnut tree in a corner of said Peter Abra-
ham's orchard, until it comes to the road from Miller's mill to
Charles-town, near to where a set of bars now stand on the
land of Joseph Harlan, now in the occupation of Lewis Harlan,
with as little injury to the said lands as possible; Provided, that
said road shall not pass through the yards, gardens, buildings,
or orchards, of any person, without the consent of the owner or
owners thereof.
2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall cause
to be made out a plot and certificate of said road, and return the
same, as soon as convenient, to the levy court of said county,
whereupon the said court, or a majority of them, are hereby au-
thorised and empowered, upon being convinced that the said road
will conduce to the public convenience, to assess and levy on the
assessable, property of said county, a sum of money such as they
shall deem necessary, for the purpose of defraying the expenses
of the same, and to appoint a supervisor to open and clear the
said road agreeably to the plot and certificate aforesaid; and the
said road, when so as aforesaid opened and cleared, shall be con-
sidered as a public road, and kept in repair as other public roads
in said county.
Passed Jan. 23.
Road to be laid
Plot to be made
and returned.