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Session Laws, 1816
Volume 635, Page 76   View pdf image
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Dec. Ses. 1816.


sustained by persons through whose lands the said road may pass,
taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages at-
tending the same, and the said damages, when so ascertained,
shall be levied and assessed another county charges are, and paid
over to the persons respectively so as aforesaid injured.
, 4. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall be en-
titled to receive a compensation for their attendance and services
in discharge of their duties as herein prescribed, not exceeding
two dollars a day, to he ascertained by the levy court, and levied,
collected and paid, as other county charges are.

Passed Jan. 22.

Part of an act


A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to provide for
the Erection of a new Court-House in Hager's-Town,
in Washington County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That so much of the act to which this is a supplement as requires
the building of a sheriff's office, and so much of the said act as
directs the money therein mentioned to be collected by the she-
riff, be and the same are hereby repealed, and that the said mo-
ney shall he collected by the collector of the county agreeably
to the provisions contained in the original act to which this is a

Passed Jan. 23.

Levy for the
use of the poor.

Act repealed.


An act to enlarge the powers of the Levy Court of Tal-
bot County for the benefit of the Poor of said County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the levy court of Talbot county, for the time
being, shall, and they are hereby empowered, to assess and levy
on all the property of the said county, subject and liable to as-
sessment, at the time of laying their county rate, a sum of cur-
rent money not exceeding five shillings and three pence on every
hundred pounds of property as aforesaid, to be applied to the
use of the poor of said county, together with the collector's com-
mission of four per cent, for collecting the same.
2. And be it enacted, That an act, entitled, A supplement to
an act, entitled, An act for the relief of the poor of Talbot coun-
ty, passed at November session 1797, be and the same is hereby

Passed Jan. 23
Road to be
laid out—over-
seer appointed.


An act to lay out and make public a Road in Cecil County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of Cecil county are hereby authorised and em-
powered, to appoint commissioners to survey and lay out a road
in said county, provided they in their judgment may deem the
same necessary, beginning at the road leading from the Brick
Meeting-house on the lower ferry, on John M'Gready's land, to
run thence by John M'Gready's old saw mill on the line between
the said M'Gready and Robert Evans, Esq. until it intersects
the line between the said M'Gready and William Cameron, and
thence on said line until it intersects the line between William Ca-

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Session Laws, 1816
Volume 635, Page 76   View pdf image
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