Dec. Ses. 1816.
Powers of the
town commis-
sioners to
Acts repealed.
Judges of elec-
Mayor's salary
— to take ac-
of deeds, &c.
shall be signed by the mayor, and the seal of the corporation be
thereto annexed, and be deposited with the register of the said
town, and be. received in evidence as boundaries of the said town,
and of the wards, lots, lanes and alleys therein.
16. And be it enacted, That the powers and authority vested in
the town commissioners heretofore appointed by law for Frede-
rick-Town, shall cease and determine as soon as this act shall be
in force and operation, and immediately upon the operation of
this act, the records, papers, proceedings, monies, accounts, and
all other matters and things appertaining to the said commission-
ers, shall he lodged and deposited with the register, and the pow-
ers heretofore, by law vested in them are hereby transferred to
and vested in the corporation aforesaid, who may ordain and
pass as aforesaid all such ordinances as may be necessary in the
exercise of those powers vested by this section.
17. And be it enacted, That all such acts of the assembly as
give to the levy court the power of appointing a market-master,
hay-weigher, and all other acts of assembly relating to Frede-
rick-town, that are inconsistent with this law, be and the same
are hereby repealed from and after the third Monday of March
18. And be it enacted, That the justices of the peace for the
time being, residing in Frederick-town, or any three or more of
them, shall appoint, by writing under their hands, three judges
to hold the first election for mayor and aldermen, and one judge
for each ward to hold the first election for common council men;
and the said judges, or such of them as shall attend, shall con-
duct the said elections in the manner in which the judges of an
election district are now by law directed to hold an election for
delegates to the assembly, as far as may be consistent with the
other provisions of this act; and the said judge or judges of
election for mayor and aldermen, and the several judges for the
election of the members of the common council, shall jointly
make return, under their hands and seals, of the persons elected
as mayor, aldermen, and members of the common council, to the
clerk of Frederick county, to be by him safely kept; and a re-
gister shall be elected according to the provisions of this act, to
whom he is required, on application, to deliver the same; and no
person shall be chosen an alderman of said town, at the said first
election, unless he be actually assessed in the county assessment,
and be in all other respects qualified as an alderman is by
this law required, except only as to being taxed by the
corporation; the person so chosen at the said first election, to
be notified thereof by the judges of election, within three days
thereafter; all future elections to be held by such judge or judges,
in such manner as shall be directed from time to time by ordinance
of the corporation, the same not being inconsistent with this law.
19. Anil be it enacted, That the mayor may, in addition to his
fees, receive, an annual salary, to be fixed by ordinance of the,
corporation; Provided always, that every ordinance fixing the
annual salary of the mayor, shall continue or be in force for one
year, and no longer.
20. And be it enacted, That the mayor of Frederick may take
the acknowledgment of any deed or instrument of writing, re-