quired by the laws of this state to be acknowledged, and any ac-
knowledgment so taken by him shall have the same force and ef-
fect as if taken by one or two justices of the peace of Frederick
county, and the major shall be entitled to receive therefor the
sum of fifty cents.
21. And be it enacted, That, the aldermen and common council
may, by ordinance, provide for taking up, fining or committing
to the work-house in Frederick-town, all vagrant and loose and
disorderly persona, and persons having no visible means of sup-
port and livelihood, and common disturbers of his or her neigh-
bourhood, that may be found within the jurisdiction of said town;
and it is hereby made the duty of the keeper or overseer of the
said work-house to receive and safe, keep all persons who shall
be so committed, according to the tenor of such commitment.
22. And be it enacted, That no ordinance of the said corpora-
tion shall impose a fine of more than twenty dollars for any one
offence, or authorise a commitment to the work-house for more
than thirty days at one time; and that all fines imposed by vir-
tue of any law or ordinance of the corporation, may be recover-
ed before the mayor or a justice of the peace, in the same man-
ner that small debts are recoverable in this state, and subject to
the same appeal; and in all such proceedings any constable, of
the corporation shall, within the limits of the corporation, have
the same powers, and proceed in the same manner, and have the
same fees, as the constable of an hundred in the case of small
debts: all fines to be to the use of the corporation, and to be ap-
propriated in such manner as may from time to time by ordinance
be directed.
23. And be it enacted, That the inhabitants of the said town,
and all persons holding property therein, shall be competent wit-
nesses in all actions arising under this act, or the by-laws and
ordinances of said corporation, if exempt from all other excep-
tions than that of interest as an inhabitant of the said town, or
member of the said corporation.
24. And be it enacted, That no ordinance of the said corpora-
tion shall be binding on persons who do not reside within the li-
mits of the said town, until the same shall have been published
in some newspaper of the said town, unless in the case of wil-
ful and intentional violation of said ordinance, after notice
thereof; Provided always, that the said corporation shall not
pass any ordinance inconsistent with the laws of this state, or
of the United States.
Dec. Ses. 1816
Inhabitants to
be competent
Ordinances not
to affect non-
residents, &c.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to Incorporate
a Company to make the several Turnpike Roads therein
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
whenever five hundred shares, or more, of the Stock authorised
by the act aforesaid, shall have been subscribed, the commission-
ers therein named, or a majority of them, shall notify the sub-
scribers, who may proceed to organize the company, and in the
Passed Jan. 15.
When 500
shares sub-
scribed compa-
ny to be orga-