to collect until the first day of January eighteen hundred and
eighteen, all balances due him as sheriff and collector of Cecil
county for the years eighteen hundred fifteen and sixteen, in the
same manner as he could or might have done within the time
limited by law, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the. said Ro-
bert C. Lusby, before he proceeds to execute the property of any
person or persons for public dues or fees, in virtue of this act,
to deliver to such person or persons chargeable with the same,
at least thirty clays previous to levying such execution, an ac-
count, written in words at full length, of the public dues and fees
demanded of him, her or them, with an affidavit annexed, that
ho hath not received any part thereof, nor any thing as security
or satisfaction for the same, more than credit given, if any, to
the best of his knowledge and belief.
3. And be it enacted, That the said Robert C. Lusby, before
he derives any benefit from or under this act, shall lodge his col-
lection books in the clerk's office of Cecil county, to be opened
for the inspection of all persons interested in the same.
Dec. Ses. 1816.
To deliver an
account before
Books to be
lodged in clerks
An act to make valid the proceedings of the Trustees of
the Rockville Roman Catholic Congregation, and for
other purposes.
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly, by the,
petition of the trustees of the Rockville Roman Catholic congre-
gation, that they have omitted to record the proceedings of the
congregation, electing them trustees, within the time of six
months required by law; Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall and may be lawful for the clerk of Montgomery
county to record the said proceedings, among the records of said
county, at any time within six months from the passage of this
act; and that the said proceedings, when so recorded, shall he
good and valid, and have the same operation and effect, as if they
had been recorded within the time limited by law.
2. And be it enacted, That all acts done by the said trustees,
and all conveyances made to them as such, shall be valid, and
have the same effect and operation, as if the said proceedings
had been recorded within the time limited by law.
Passed Jan. 11.
Clerk to record
their proceed-
Acts made val-
An act for extending North-Street, on the east side of
Jones' Falls, in the City of Baltimore.
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly, by a
number of the inhabitants of the city and precincts of Baltimore,
that their convenience would be greatly promoted by the exten-
sion of North-street in a straight direction to Jones'-street;
and the said representation appearing reasonable and just, There-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the mayor of the city of Baltimore be, and he is hereby empower-
ed, to appoint five freeholders, inhabitants of the city or precincts,
not interested in the premises, commissioners, who, after having
Passed Jan. 11.
Mayor to ap-
point commis-