Dec. Ses. 1816
relating to sundry requisitions for supplies made on him by sundry militia offi-
cers of the state, and the vouchers whereof he alleges were destroyed by the
enemy during the year eighteen hundred and fourteen.
Passed Feb. 5.
In favour of
Notley Mad-
No. 57.
Resolved, That all proceedings against Notley Maddox, and his securities,
on a judgment obtained against them on account of a balance due to the state by
the said Notley Maddox, as former sheriff of Prince-George's county, be and
they are hereby suspended until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and
eighteen; and also that the said Notley Maddux, and his securities, be and they
are hereby released from the payment of the nine per cent, per annum of the
fifteen per cent, interest chargeable upon the principal of the balance due the
state, on condition only that the said Notley Maddox, and his securities, shall
punctually pay to the treasurer of the western shore, on of before the first day
of January eighteen hundred and eighteen, the principal of the balance due the
state, with interest on the same at the rate of six per cent, per annum, together
with all costs on said judgments; Provided that the judgments shall be in full
force and continue notwithstanding the suspension directed by this resolution;
and that if the said Notley Maddox, and his securities, shall fail in said payment,
they shall forfeit the benefit of this resolution, and shall be liable to be proceed-
ed against immediately for the whole of the said debt and cost, and the fifteen
per cent, interest now payable thereon.
Passed Feb. 5.
—of Richard
No. 58.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay unto Richard Pindell, of Kentucky, late a surgeon in the United
States army during the revolutionary war, or to his order, annually, in quar-
terly payments, a sum of money equal to the full pay of a surgeon, during life,
as a further remuneration for those, services he rendered his country during her
struggle for independence.
Passed Feb. 5.
—of heirs of
John H.
No. 59.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Doctor Nathaniel
P. Causin, for his wife, and to Ann Turner, jointly, the heirs of general John
H. Stone, or to their joint order, the sum of thirteen hundred and sixty pounds
and two pence half penny, (money advanced by the said general John H. Stone
for proclamation warrants,) out of any unappropriated money in the treasury.
Passed Feb 5.
— of Robert
Welch of Ben
No. 60.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay Robert Welch, (of
Gen.) the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars, out of any unappropriated
money in the treasury.
Passed Feb. 5.
Relative to
No. 61.
Resolved, That the examiner general shall lay before the next general as-
sembly the amount of fees that he may receive in the present year, on oath, and
that the treasurer of the western shore thereafter pay to him, or his order, such
sum, in addition to said fees, as shall amount to eight hundred dollars for the
present year.
Passed Feb. 5.
In favour of
J. Joseph
No. 62.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby autho-
rised to draw an order on the treasurer of the western shore, in favour of J. Jo-
seph Henry, for nine hundred and sixty-three dollars and fifty cents, it being
the amount of said Henry's account for sixty rifles, purchased of him by the
executive on the ninth day of November, eighteen hundred and fourteen, and
the said treasurer is hereby authorised to pay the same.
Passed Feb. 5.
—of Samuel
No. 63.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore he and he is hereby di-
rected, to pay to Samuel Scott, or to his order, annually, in quarterly pay-
ments, the half pay of a private during his life, for those services he rendered
his country during the revolutionary war.
Passed Feb. 5.
Relative to
collection of
arms, &c.
No. 64.
Resolved, That a sum not exceeding eight thousand dollars, out of any
unappropriated money in the treasury, be and the same is hereby placed at the
disposal of the governor and council, to carry into effect the resolution passed
at December session, 1815, authorising a collection of the public arms, camp
equipage, &c.
Passed Feb. 5.
the chancery
No. 65.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the governor and
council be requested to have the work done in the chancery office for the safe
keeping and preservation of public papers, by Washington Tuck, measured
and valued, and to draw for the amount on the treasurer of the western shore,