Dec. Ses. 1816
Allegany to be
divided into 8
Part of the con-
stitution re-
If confirmed to
be part of the
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Allegany county, for the purpose of holding all future elec-
tions in the said county, shall be divided and laid off into eight
separate flection districts.
2. And be it enacted, That all that part of the constitution and
form of government, whereby Allegany county hath been divid-
ed and laid off into six separate election districts for the purpose.
aforesaid. be and the same is hereby repealed.
3. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be confirmed by the
general assembly of Maryland, alter the next election of dele-
gates, in the first session after such new election, as the consti-
tution and form of government directs, in such case this act, and
the alterations herein contained, shall be constituted as a part of
the said constitution and form of government, any thing to the
contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Jan. 2.
Levy to be
An act for the relief of Ruth Moore, and her helpless chil-
dren, of Cecil County.
Sec. i. Be it enacted by the. General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the levy court of Cecil county shall be
and they are hereby directed and empowered, at their levy
court annually, so long as they shall see cause, to assess
and levy on tin; assessable property of said county, a sum of mo-
ney not exceeding forty dollars, nor less than twenty dollars, for
the support and maintenance of Ruth Moore, and her helpless
children, of said county, and that the same be collected annually,
by the collector of said county, and paid to such person or per-
sons as the levy court of said county shall or may direct.
Passed Jan. 3.
Thirty dollars
to be levied.
An act for the relief of Eleanor Montgomery.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the levy court of Charles county be and they
are hereby authorised and directed, to assess and levy annually,
on the assessable property of said county, a sum of money not
exceeding thirty dollars, for the support and maintenance of
Eleanor Montgomery, and that the said sum be collected annual-
ly by the collector of Charles county, and by him paid to the
said Eleanor Montgomery, or to her order.
Passed Jan. 2.
Dorchester to
be divided into
5 election dis-
An act to repeal all that part of the Constitution and Form
of Government as relates to the division of Dorchester
County into three separate Election Districts.
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly, that
great convenience would result to the voters of Dorchester
county, by increasing the number of election districts in said
county; Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Dorchester county, for the purpose of holding all future
elections for delegates, electors of senate, and sheriffs of the