aforesaid county, shall be divided and laid off into five separate
2. And be it enacted, That all that part of the. constitution and
form of government whereby Dorchester county hath been di-
vided and laid off into three separate districts, for the purpose
aforesaid, be and the name in hereby repealed.
3. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be confirmed by the
general assembly of Maryland, after the next election of dele-
gates, in the first session after such new election, as the consti-
tution and form of government directs, in such case this act and
the alteration herein contained, shall constitute and be considered
as a part of the said constitution and form of government, to
all intents and purposes, any thing therein contained to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
Dec. Ses. 1816.
Part of the con-
stitution re-
If confirmed to
become part of
the constituti-
An act to alter and change the place of holding the Elec-
tions in the first Election District in Harford County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the judges in the first election district in Harford county be,
and they are hereby authorised and directed, to hold, in future,
the elections in said district at and in the house of George Cun-
ningham, in the town of Abingdon, any law, usage or custom,
to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Jan. 2.
Place of hold-
ing elections in
first election
district chang-
An act to empower the Judges of the Fifth Election Dis-
trict in Washington County to hold the Elections in any
suitable House in the Town of Hancock.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the judges of the fifth election district in Washington
county be, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to
hold in future, the elections in said district, in any house in the
town of Hancock, which to them may be most convenient for
holding the said elections.
Passed Jan. 3.
Elections in 5th
district to be
held in Han-
An act to locate and make public a Road connecting the
Road leading from William's Ferry with Market-Street
in Frederick Town, Frederick County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That John Brengle, William Goldsborough, Peter Wolfe, Moses
Worman, Nicholas Holtz, be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners, and they, or a majority of them, are hereby au-
thorised, as commissioners, to lay out and open, at the expense
of the county, a road, not exceeding sixty feet in width, from the
north east corner of George Lease's lot, number one, part of
Tasker's Chance, or from any other point or place of said lot,
which lies on the west wide of the present road, as they may deem
most proper, to pass from thence in a direct line to enter Frede-
rick Town, at or near the north end of Market-street, so as to do
as little injury as possible to the lands or lots through which the
same may pass, taking into view the public convenience and ex-
Passed Jan. 3.
appointed to
lay out a road.