Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, the governor, with
the advice of the council, is hereby authorised and required, to
cause the laws, votes and proceedings, and other public packets
and letters, to be forwarded to the different counties in this state,
in such manner, and on such terms, as they may think best cal-
culated to effect the safe and speedy conveyance of the same.
2. And be it enacted, That the treasurer of the western shore
be and he is hereby authorised and directed, to pay over to the
governor and council, or their order, annually, a sum not exceed-
ing five hundred dollars, for the purpose of carrying this act into
3. And be it enacted, That so much of an act, entitled, An act
for the more speedy conveyance of public letters and packets,
and for other purposes, and all other acts repugnant to, or incon-
sistent with, the provisions of this act, be and they are hereby
Dec. Ses. 1816
Governor and
Council au-
thorised to
forward laws,
To draw on
the treasurer.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to provide for
the Organization and Regulation of the Courts of Com-
mon Law in this State, and for the Administration of
Justice therein.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That during the recess of any county court, it shall and may
be lawful for the clerk of any county court, wherein no associate
judge of the county court resides, to grant permits in all cases
where an associate justice heretofore could or might have granted
them, and in the same manner, and for the same time; and the
money therefor shall be immediately paid by the party applying
for the same to the said clerk of the county court, to be ac-
counted for as other monies received for licenses, and within the
same time, and under like penalties, and the said clerk shall file
the recognizance thereupon taken, and enter the name of the
principal therein named, and his securities, upon the list of per-
sons licensed by the court.
2. And be it enacted, That the forty-seventh clause of the act
to which this is a supplement, be and the same is hereby re-
Passed Feb. 5.
Clerks in cer-
tain cases to
grant permits.
Part of an act
An act relating to Field-Officers of the State of Maryland.
Whereas by a law of congress, entitled, "An act concerning
field-officers of the militia," approved April the 20th, one thou-
sand eight hundred and sixteen, it is declared, "That from and
after the first day of May next, instead of one lieutenant-colonel
commandant to each regiment, and one major to each battalion
of the militia, as is provided by the act, entitled, An act more
effectually to provide for the national defence by establishing an
uniform militia throughout the United States, there shall be one co-
lonel, one lieutenant-colonel, and one major, to each regiment
of the militia, consisting of two battalions; where there shall
he only one battalion, it shall be commanded by a major; Pro-
Passed Feb. 5.