Dec. Ses. 1816.
One colonel,
&c to be ap-
pointed to each
Governor and
Council to
vided, that nothing contained herein shall be construed to annul
any commission in the militia which may he in force as granted
by authority of any state or territory in pursuance of the act here-
in recited, bearing date prior to the said first day of May next."
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, there shall be (con-
formable to the aforesaid act of congress) one colonel, one lieu-
tenant colonel, and one major, to each regiment of the militia of
this state, consisting of two battalions; that where there shall
be only one battalion, it shall be commanded by a major.
2. And be it enacted, That the governor and council forthwith
proceed to commission one colonel, one lieutenant-colonel, and
one major, to each regiment of the militia of this state, consist-
ing of two battalions as aforesaid; Provided, that nothing here-
in contained shall he construed to annul any commission in the
militia which may now be in force under the act of assembly of
this state, entitled. An act to regulate and discipline the militia
of this state, and the several supplements thereto.
Passed Feb. 5.
Levy court to
appoint seven
trustees in each
election dis-
Trustees to lay
off each district
into seven sub-
An act to provide for the Education of Poor Children in
Kent, Talbot, Cecil, Anne-Arundel and Montgomery
Whereas the want of an efficient and well digested system of
county schools, calculated to diffuse the advantages of education
throughout the state, has been long felt and sincerely regretted
by every friend to morality and good government: And whereas,
the funds arising from the tax on bank stock, and appropriated
to the above purposes by an act of the general assembly passed
at November session eighteen hundred and twelve, is not as yet,
sufficient to carry the wise and benevolent intentions of the le-
gislature completely into effect; yet viewing the incalculable ad-
vantages enjoyed by some of our sister states, where extensive
school funds enable them to disseminate the blessings of educa-
tion to every class of their citizens, and believing "that there is
no practicable mode to accomplish so desirable an object in the
present situation of the finances of the state, but by laying a
moderate tax on the wealthy for the education of the poorer
classes of society, Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of the several counties aforesaid, be and are here-
by empowered and directed, to appoint annually seven persons in
each election district of the said counties, to be called The Trus-
tees for the Education of Poor Children, and one person to be
called the Treasurer of the school funds for each county.
2. And be it enacted, That the said trustees shall immediately
after their appointment, proceed to lay off each election district
into seven sub divisions, one of which to be allotted to each trus-
tee, and when so laid off and allotted, each trustee shall make a
census of the poor children above eight years of age within his
sub-division, whose parents or those under whose care they may
be are unable to pay for the tuition of such children, and said