Dec. Sess.
Bond to
and dispose of tickets in said lottery or lotteries,; Provided,
the said Benjamin Biggs, Joshua Delaplane, John Kinsor, Ja-
cob Biggs, James Cooper and John Fleming, or a majority of
them, before they proceed to make sale of any ticket or tickets
in the said lottery or lotteries, shall give and execute a bond to
the State of Maryland in the penalty of twenty thousand dol-
lars, conditioned that they will well and truly conduct the
drawing of the said lottery or lotteries, and that they will ap-
ply the money arising therefrom, within two months after the
drawing thereof to the payment of the prizes drawn therein,
to the adventurers to whom they shall be due, and the necessa-
ry expences incurred in the management thereof,
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said bond shall be
lodged in the clerk's office of Frederick county, to he there re-
corded, and upon such bond or any office copy thereof, suit or
suits may be instituted against the obligors therein, or any of
them, or their, or any of their legal representatives for any
breach or non-compliance with the condition of the same.
Passed Dec.
16, 1815.
President &c.
may apply
the levy court.
Toll gather-
An act to confirm the right of the, president, managers and com-
pany of the New Castle and French-Town Turnpike, to
receive tolls and for other purposes.
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful for the president
managers and company of the New-Castle and French-
Town turnpike to make application to the levy court of Cecil
county, for the appointment of persons to view and examine
an artificial road from French-Town on Elk River in Cecil
county to the Delaware line, in a direction towards the town
of New Castle, who shall upon such application, appoint three
skilful and judicious freeholders to view and examine the same,
and make report to the said court whether the said road is ex-
ecuted in a complete and workmanlike manner, according to
the true intent and meaning of the twelfth section of an act
passed at November Session one thousand eight hundred and
nine, entitled, an act to incorporate a company for making an
artificial road from French-Town on Elk River in Cecil county
in the State of Maryland, to the Delaware line, in a direction
towards the town of New-Castle; and if their report shall be in
the affirmative, then the said court shall, by licence permit and
suffer the said president, managers and company of the New-
Castle and French-Town turnpike, to erect and fix such and
so many gates or turnpikes upon and across the said road as
will be necessary and sufficient to collect the tolls and duties,
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said road being
viewed and examined, and a licence granted as aforesaid, it
shall and may be lawful for the president managers and compa-
ny of the New Castle and French-Town turnpike, or a majo-
rity of them, to appoint toll-gatherers, and to collect and re-
ceive of and from all and every person or persons using the
said road, the tolls and rates mentioned in the fourteenth sec-