An act to revive and amend an act entitled, an act to incorpo-
rate a company to make a turnpike road from Edward H.
Calvert's old mill in Prince George's County, to the District
of Columbia.
Sec. 1 Be IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the act entitled, an act to incorporate a com-
pany to make a turnpike road from Edward H. Calvert's old
mill in Prince George's county, to the District of Columbia,
except the second, sixth and ninth sections thereof be, and
the same is hereby revived and made perpetual.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription books
shall be opened at Upper Marlborough in Prince George's
county, for a capital stock for said company of twelve thou-
sand dollars, in six hundred shares of twenty dollars each, un-
der the direction of Edward H. Calvert, Robert Sewall, Ben-
jamin Oden, Richard W. West, Edmund Key, William Hebb
and Robert Bowie, or a majority of them.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said company shall
open said road from Edward H. Calvert's old mill to the Dis-
trict of Columbia, as nearly straight as the nature of the coun-
try will admit, (having regard to the hills and other obstruc-
tions,) thirty feet wide, and shall cause twenty feet in width to
be bedded with stone or gravel, and erect and keep up bridges
over the streams crossing the same; and whenever five miles
of said road shall be perfected, said company shall be entitled
to receive tolls for travelling on the part of the said road so per-
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said company
shall not proceed to carry on said work within three years after
the passage of this act, or shall not within eight years thereaf-
ter complete the said road, it shall be lawful for the state to re-
sume the rights, liberties, privileges and franchises granted by
this act and the act hereby revived.
Passed Dec.
15, 1815.
Act revived.
Books to be o-
Width and di-
Road not be-
ing commenc-
ed right to re-
An act authorising a lottery for raising a sum of money for the
purpose of purchasing a lot of ground, and erecting there-
on a building for divine worship in Frederick County.
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Benjamin Biggs, Joshua Delaplane, John
Kinsor, Jacob Biggs, James Cooper and John Fleming, or a
majority of them, be and they are hereby authorised to pro-
pose a scheme of a lottery or lotteries, to raise a sum of money
not exceeding five thousand dollars, to be appropriated for the
purchase of a lot of ground and erecting thereon a building
tor divine worship in Frederick county, and that they or a
majority of them, be and they are hereby authorised to sell
Passed Dec.
15, 1815.