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Session Laws, 1815
Volume 634, Page 9   View pdf image
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CHARLES RIDGELY, (of Hampt.) Esq. Governor.


tion of the aforesaid act, passed at November session one
thousand eight hundred and nine, and it shall and may be law-
ful for such toll gathers or any of them, to stop any person
riding, leading or driving any horse or mule, or driving any
cattle, hogs, sheep, sulky, chair, or chaise, phateon, cart, wag-
on, wain, sleigh, sled or other carriage of burthen or plea-
sure from passing through the said gates or turnpikes until they
shall have respectively paid the same.
3 AND BE IT ENACTED, That all the rights, powers,
privileges and franchises which by the aforesaid act were
granted or intended so to be, to a company hereby designed
to be created and erected into one body politic and corporate
by the name style & title of "'The President Managers & Compa-
ny of the New-Castle and French Town Turnpike Company,"
and to the members thereof shall be and the same are hereby
granted to, and vested in the aforesaid company, which has
been incorporated by the name and style of "The President
Managers and Company of the New Castle and French-Town
Turnpike" and to its members, excepting such parts thereof
as by this act are modified altered or supplied.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the stockholders of the
"President Managers and Company of the New Castle and
French-Town Turnpike,'' shall meet annually at such time and
place as shall be fixed by their by laws, or with such notice
and at such time and place as the managers shall appoint, and
shall choose by a majority of votes of the stockholders, by bal-
lot, to be delivered in person or by proxy duly authorised, one,
president, four managers, one treasurer and such other officers
as they shall think necessary to conduct the business of the said
company for one year, and until others shall be chosen, and
shall and may make such by-laws, rules orders and regulations
not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state, as
shall be necessary for the well ordering the affairs of the said
company; Provided always, that no person shall have more
than twenty five votes at any election or in determining any
question arising at such or any other meeting, whatever number
of shares he may be entitled to, and that each stockholder
shall be entitled to one vote for every share by him or her held
under the said number, and the said company shall and may
meet at such other times as they shall be summoned by the
managers, or may be prescribed by their by lanes.
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president and man-
agers of the said company shall meet at such times and places,
and be convened in such manner as shall be agreed on for trans-
acting their business, at which meetings a majority shall form
a quorum, who in the absence of the president may choose a
chairman, and a quorum being met they shall have full power
and authority to do all such acts matters and things as by the
by-laws, rules, orders and regulations of the said company
shall be committed to them, or which by the aforesaid act of
November eighteen hundred & nine was vested in the president
& managers of the company thereby intended to be incorporated.
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said company
shall neglect to keep the said road in good and perfect order
and repair for the space of fifteen days, and information there-
of shall be given to any justice of the peace of the county,
such justice shall proceed in the manner prescribed by the fif-

Dec. Sess.


; ers &c.

Annual meet-
ings elections

--by-laws, &c.

Meetings of

President and

Neglect of


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Session Laws, 1815
Volume 634, Page 9   View pdf image
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