dred and twenty-five dollars allowed him by a resolution passed November session
No. 9.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Joseph Hook, late a
corporal in the revolutionary war, or to his order during his life, annually in
quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a corporal.
No. 10.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Short be, and he in hereby directed
to pay to Mark M'Pherson, or to his order annually in quarterly payments, during
his life, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a lieutenant.
No. 11.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby direct-
ed to pay to Bostian Medlar, late a drum major in the revolutionary war, or to his
order, a sum of money annually in quarterly payments, equal to the half pay of a
drum-major, as a further remuneration for those services by which his country
has been so essentially benefitted.
No. 12.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to William M'Gee, or his
order the half pay of a private, annually in quarterly payments, as an additional
compensation for his services.
No. 13.
Resolved, That the treasurer af the Western Shore be, and he is hereby directed
to pay unto Jesse Powers, of St. Mary's county, late a private in the revolutionary
war, or to his order annually during life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money
equal to the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for those ser-
vices by which his country has been so essentially benefitted.
No. 14.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby directed
to pay unto Aaron Jones, of Dorchester county, late a private in the revolutionary
war, or to his order annually in quarterly payments, during life, a sum of money
equal to the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration to him for these ser-
vises by which his country has been to essentially benefitted.
No. 15.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay unto Solomon Barrott,
or his order annually in quarterly payments, the half pay of a fifer for life.
No. 16.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby directed
to pay unto Joseph Smith, late a captain in the Maryland line during the revolu-
tionary war, or to his order, a sum of money annually in quarterly payments equal
to the half pay of a captain, as a further remuneration for those meritorious services
rendered his country during the American war.
No. 17.
Resolved That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby directed
and required to pay to John Gassaway, late a captain of the Maryland troops in
the revolutionary war, or to his order annually in quarterly payments, during life,
a sum of money equal to the half pay of a captain.
No. 18.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby directed
and required to pay to John Williams, of St Mary's county, a late meritorious
soldier in the revolutionary war, or to his order annually during his life in quar-
terly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of a corporal, as a provision
to him in his indigent situation now advanced in life, and as a further remuneration
for those services by which his country has been so essentially benefitted.
No, 19.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby directed
to pay to Richard Waters, late a captain in the Maryland line, or to his order an-
nually during life, in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of
a captain, as a further remuneration for the services rendered his country during
the revolutionary war.
No. 20.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore be and he is hereby directed
to pay to Nathaniel B. Magruder, late a lieutenant in the revolutionary War, or
to his order, a sum of money annually in quarterly payments equal to the half
pay of a lieutenant, as a further remuneration for those services rendered his
country in her struggle for liberty and independence.
No. 21.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore, be, and he is hereby direc-
ted to pay to William Roberts, of Allegheny county, a private in the revolution
ary war, or to his order annually in quarterly payments, a sum of money equal
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
Joseph Hook.
Passed Jan,
23, 1816.
In favor of
Mark M'Pher-
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
Bostian Med-
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
Wm. M'Gee.
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
Jesse Powers.
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
Aaron Jones.
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
Solomon Bar-
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
Joseph Smith.
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
John Gassa-
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
John Wil-
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
Richard Wa-
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
Nathaniel B.
Passed Jan.
23, 1816.
In favor of
William Ro-