SEC. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of
Queen Ann's county be, and they are hereby authorised
and empowered, to levy such sum or sums of money, on
the assessable property of said county, as the commis-
sioners may adjudge sufficient to indemnify those per-
sons who have or may suffer by passing the road
through their lands, except such of them as have declar-
ed in writing or otherwise, they wish no compensation,
and when so levied the said turn or sums of money shall
be collected and paid over to the person or persons en-
titled to receive the same, in the same manner as other
county charges are collected and paid.
Sum to be
levied and paid
An act for the benefit of the several Free Schools in
the city and precincts of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the justices of the orphans' court of
Baltimore county be, and they are hereby authorised
and required, to order and direct the funds arising from
the personal estates, (administered upon in that court,)
of persons who have died, or may die intestate, and
have not left, or may not leave legal representatives,
to be paid to the trustees or managers of the several
free schools in the city and precincts of Baltimore, in
proportions according to the number of children educat-
ed at each school.
Passed Feb.
3, 1815.
Estates of
persons dying
intestate and
without legal
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That upon passing any
order in pursuance of this act, the court aforesaid shall
require a bond, with security to be by them approved,
to be given to this state, which shall be recorded and
preserved in said, court as other records are, conditioned
for the faithful application of all monies to be received
under such orders, to the benefit of the institution to
which the orders shall direct its payment, and also with
the further condition, that a true account shall be sub-
mitted to said court of the expenditure of said money,
at least once in a year, or oftener if by them required;
Bond to be
provided always, AND BE IT ENACTED, That noth-
ing in this act contained shall be construed to interfere
with or affect the rights vested in the Charitable Marine
Society of Baltimore, by the act entitled, "a supplement
to the act entitled, an act to incorporate the Charitable
Marine Society of Baltimore, pasted at November ses-
sion eighteen hundred and seven."