Dec. Sess.
Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Mary-
land, at December Session, 1814.
Passed Feb. 1,
Relative to re-
cording the re-
Passed Feb. 2,
Relative to al-
tering the con-
stitution of the
United States.
No. 1.
Resolved, That the Resolutions passed at each Session of the General As-
sembly be recorded with the laws of the session.
No. 2.
Resolved, That the general assembly of Maryland do not assent to the
amendment to the constitution of the United States, limiting the term of
service for senator of the United States, to four years as proposed by the
legislature of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Resolved, That the governor of this state, transmit to the governor of
each of the states in this union a certified copy of the aforegoing resoluti-
on with a request that the same be laid before the legislature of such
state, and also one copy to each member of the senate, representing this
state in the congress of the United States.
Passed Feb. 2,
Relative to re-
moving the
public records.
No. 3.
Resolved, That the governor he and he hereby is authorised and empower-
ed whenever he may deem it necessary lor their security, to cause to be re-
moved, under the superintendance of the respective public officers, all the
records, books and papers belonging to the several public offices in the
city of Annapolis, to some place of safely within this state; and when in
the opinion of the governor it can be done with safety, he hereby is authori-
sed and requested to cause the said records, books and papers so removed
to be returned to the city of Annapolis.
Passed Feb. 2,
Authorising a
No. 4.
Resolved, That in addition to the loan heretofore authorised, the treasur-
er of the western shore, be and he is hereby authorised, to negotiate
loan on such terms, and at such periods as the governor and council shall
approve, not exceeding three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the
funds of the state are hereby pledged for the repayment of the principal and.
interest thereof.
Passed Jan. 28,
In favor of the
examiner ge-
No. 5.
Resolved, That the examiner general shall on oath, lay before the next
general assembly the amount of tees that he may receive in the present
year, and that the treasurer of the western shore thereafter pay to him, or
his order, such sum, in addition to said fees, is shall amount to eight
hundred dollars for the present year.
Passed Jan. 30,
In favor of G.
R. Massey and
No. 6.
Retained, That the military accountant for the Eastern Shore of this
state be, and he is hereby required to liquidate and allow to the company
of militia of the state of Delaware commanded by captain George R. Mas-
sey, who marched into this state, and was stationed at Elkton at the time
of a threatened attack on that place by the enemy, in 1813, such pay as
they would have been entitled to (if militia of this state called into its ser-
vice,) which accounts shall be laid before the governor and council to be set-
tled and passed in the same manner as militia accounts of this state now are;
and the governor and council are hereby authorised to draw warrants in
favor of George R. Massey on the treasurer of the western shore for the
payment of the same, which accounts and warrants shall be preserved and
recorded as others of a similar nature are; and also the sum of one hundred
and two dollars and seventy five cents expences incurred and paid by him
for wagon hire and other charges attending said service.
Passed Jan. 30,
In favor of To-
bias E. Stans-
No. 7.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Tobias E. Stans-
bury or order the sum of forty dollars, being the amount of a balance due
him for his attendance as a member of the house of delegates, at December
session, 1813, and omitted to be allowed him on the journal of accounts of
that session.