a road, not exceeding twenty feet wide, clear of Hitches,
in Kent County, commonly called Quaker Road, or Qua-
ker Lane, beginning near Wilson's Mill, where it inter-
sects the road from Chester-Town to George-Town Cross
Roads, and running thence until it intersects the road
leading from Still Pond to Goose Hill, in such direction
as the said commissioners may think most convenient and
advantageous, with the least possible injury to the indi-
viduals over whose land the said road may pass; Provi-
ded, That the said road shall not be made to pass through
the buildings, yards, gardens or orchards of any person
or persons, without the consent of the owner or owners
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall he the
duty of the commissioners aforesaid, or a majority of
them, on or before the first Monday in March next, to
cause a plot and certificate, of said road to be made, and
return the same to the Levy Court of Kent County, at
their first setting thereafter; and if the Levy Court of
said county, upon consideration of all circumstances, shall
be of opinion that the said road be of advantage, then and
in such case, the clerk of said county shall record the
same plot and certificate; whereupon it shall and may be
lawful for the Levy Court of said county, to levy upon
the assessable property of said county, such sum of mo-
ney as they may deem necessary, and to appoint and em-
play an overseer to open and clear said road, agreeably
to the plot and certificate aforesaid; and the said road,
when opened and cleared as aforesaid, shall be, and the
same is hereby declared to be forever thereafter a public
road, and shall be kept in repair as other public roads in
said county.
Plot and cer-
tificate to be
made out, and
returned to the
Levy Court.
If approved, to
be recorded—a
sum may be le-
vied, to open
said road.
3. AND BE IT EXACTED, That the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall value and ascertain
the damages that may be sustained by each and every of
the persons through whose lands the said road may pass,
by ascertaining the same, taking into consideration the
advantage and disadvantages, and return the same to the
Levy Court, together with the plot and certificate, as
above directed and the damages so ascertained, shall be
levied and assessed as other county charges are, and it
shall be paid over to the persons respectively, who may
Damages to be
valued by the
—amount to
be levied.
be endamaged thereby; Provided nevertheless, That no
money shall he levied or assessed for the purpose of pay-
ing the damages aforesaid, until the said road is opened
and cleared, agreeably to the directions of this act.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commis-
sioners shall be entitled to receive, as a compensation for
their services, a sum not exceeding two dollars per day,
to be ascertained by the Levy Court, which is hereby di-
rected to be levied, collected and paid, as other county
ers' compensa-