sum or thirty dollars, for the support and maintenance of
Allen Demar: and that the same be collected annually,
by the collector of Prince George's county, and by him
paid to the said Ann Gentle, Sylvester Hunt, and Allen
Demar, or to their orders.
Passed Dec.
22, 1813.
An act to authorise and empower the Levy Court of Anne
Arundel county, to assess and levy a sum of money for
the support and maintenance of Margaret Miller, and
her four children.
Sum to be le-
vied for their
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Levy Court of Anne Arun-
del County, be, and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered, at their annual meeting, so long as they shall
nee cause so to do, to assess and levy on the assessable
property of said county, a stun of money not exceeding
thirty dollars, towards the support and maintenance of
the said Margaret Miller, and her four children; which
said sum of money, when collected, shall be annually
paid over by the collector of Anne Arundel county, to the
said Margaret Miller, or to her order.
Passed Dec.
20, 1813.
Sums to be le-
vied for their
An act for the benefit of James Hooper, James Le
Compte, and William Fraizer, of Dorchester county.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Levy Court of Dorchester
county, be, and they are hereby directed and empowered
to levy on the assessable property of said county, for the
use of William Fraizer, sixty dollars; for the use of
James Le Compte, sixty dollars; and for the use of James
Hooper, the like sum: And that the same be collected
by the collector of Dorchester county, and paid to James
Le Compte, James Hooper, and William Fraizer, se-
verally, or to their heirs, executors and Administrators,
in the same manner that other county levies are collected
and paid.
Passed Dec.
20, 1813.
An act to lay out and make public a road in Kent county.
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of Kent County, have
preferred a petition to this General Assembly of Mary-
land, praying that a road may be opened and laid out in
said county, and the prayer of the petitioners appearing
reasonable; Therefore,
ers authorised
to survey and
lay it out — its
width and di-
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Peregrine Cooper, Philip
Brooks, John Ashley, James Brooke, and Benjamin Bris-
coe, be, and are hereby appointed commissioners for the
purpose of this act; and that they, or a majority of them,
are hereby authorised and required to survey and lay out