importation, and the same to retain as a slave; Provided,
no sale or disposition of any such slave, or her increase
shall be made until the said slave shall have resided with-
in this state three whole years next preceding such sale,
except in cases of disposition by last will and testament
and disposition by law for bona fide debts or consequent
upon intestacy.
Dec. Sess.
An act for the benefit of the heirs of John Kimes, late
of Allegany county, deceased.
WHEREAS it is represented to this General Assem-
bly, by the memorial of Hannah Kimes, widow of John
Kimes of Allegany county, that some time in the year
eighteen hundred and eight, her husband died seized and
possessed of a lot or parcel of ground in the town
of Cumberland, and county aforesaid, designated on the
plot of the said town by lot No. 233, upon which there
is a small dwelling house, leaving several small children,
that the property aforesaid is of little or no benefit to the
heirs, and is incapable of any advantageous division; she
has therefore prayed that the said property may be dis-
posed of upon such terms and conditions as the legisla-
ture may direct, and the proceeds applied for the benefit
of the heirs of the said John Kimes; Therefore,
Passed Jan.
11, 1814.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Hannah Kimes, widow of
John Kimes late of Allegany county deceased, be and
she is authorised, upon giving such bond and security to
the state of Maryland, to be approved of by the orphans
court of the county aforesaid, as is herein after directed,
to expose to public sale, the lot or parcel of land of
which the said John Kimes died seized and possesses of
in the town of Cumberland, known and distinguished
on the plot of the town aforesaid by lot No. 233, with
the appurtenances to the same belonging, after giving
public notice thereof for two successive weeks by ad-
vertisement set up at the most public places in the town
of Cumberland aforesaid.
Widow may
sell said land.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the terms of sale
& the application of the proceeds be as follow: The pur-
chaser or purchasers of the I6t ami premises aforesaid to
give bond with approved security to the trustee afore-
said, conditioned for the payment of the purchase money
of the property aforesaid, one half thereof within sixty
days from the day of sale, the balance in one hundred
and twenty days from the day of sale with interest
Terms of
sale and appli-
cation of pro-
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustee
upon complying with the requisites of this act, and upon
the receipt of the whole purchase money for the premis-
es aforesaid, shall, by a good & sufficient deed, transfer
Trustees to
convey said