clerk of Worcester County Court; and the damages so
assessed, shall be conclusive.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the persons who
way conceive themselves interested or benefited by the
aforesaid road, are hereby required to pay or secure to
be paid, into the hands of the commissioners aforesaid,
or some one of them, for the use of the person or per-
sons in whose favor such valuation may be made, previ-
ous to laying out and opening the road and landing afore-
said; and in case of failure of payment or security as
aforesaid, this act to be null and void, hut in case of
compliance with the provisions of this act, the said road
shall be considered a public highway, and be kept up in
the same manner as other public roads in said county.
Persons inte-
rested, requir-
ed to pay, dam-
Case of failure.
Public high-
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That after the dama-
ges aforesaid are paid, and the said landing is laid off,
and the said road laid out, opened and cleared, the com-
missioners aforesaid or a majority of them, are hereby
directed to return a platt of said road and landing to the
clerks office of Worcester county, there to be recorded,
and shall at the same time return the estimate of the
damages which may have been ascertained as aforesaid,
together with a certificate that the same have been paid
or secured to be paid.
ers to return a
Estimates, and
certificate of
An Act for the benefit of Mary Jackson, of Worcester
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court
of Worcester county, shall, and they are hereby direc-
ted and empowered at their levy court annually, so long
as they shall see cause, to levy on the assessable proper-
ty of said county, a sum of money not exceeding thirty
dollars, nor less than twenty dollars, for the support and
maintenance of Mary Jackson, of said county; and the
same when collected, shall be paid by the collector of
said county, to the said Mary Jackson, or her order, for
the purpose aforesaid.
Passed Jan.
7, 1814.
From 20 to 30
dollars to be le-
vied for her
An act for the relief of Brock Case, of Montgomery
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Levy Court of Montgomery
county, shall be, and they are hereby directed and fin-
powered at their levy court annually, so long as they shall
see cause, to assess and levy on the assessable property
of said county, a sum of money not exceeding thirty
dollars, for the support and maintenance of the said
Brock Case, and that the same be collected annually by
the collector of Montgomery county, and by him paid to
the said Brock Case, or his order.
Passed Jan.
7, 1814.
Thirty dollars
levied for his