Dec. Sess.
the said Elizabeth Wails, is hereby vested in the said Ra-
chel Rawans, any law, usage or custom to the contrary
notwithstanding; Provided, that nothing in this law con-
tained, shall tend to defeat any just claim which any
creditor may have against the estate of the said Elizabeth
Passed Jan.
7, 1814.
ers.— Loca-
An act to lay out and make a Public Road in Worcester
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That M'Kimmey Porter Parker Selby,
John Selby, senior, George Bratten, and George Nelson,
or a majority of them be, and they are hereby appointed
Commissioners to lay out a public road in Worcester
county, beginning at Parramore's Landing, on the sea
side, and thence running in the most convenient direc-
tion, until it intersects the county road, known by the
name of the Boquetonorton Road; but not so as to run
through any garden, meadow, or orchard, without the
consent of the proprietor or proprietors.
Public Land-
2 AND BE IT ENACTED, That the Commission-
ers aforesaid, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised
and directed to layout a piece of ground not exceeding
three fourths of an acre, at Parramore's Landing aforesaid;
which when so laid off, and the damages, to be ascer-
tained as hereinafter directed, are paid, shall forever
thereafter be considered and used as a public landing.
Value dam-
Appeal. Jury
Oath. Return.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the Commission-
ers, or a majority of them, be, and they are hereby au-
thorised and directed to ascertain and value what dama-
ges may be sustained by any person or persons, through
whose lands the said road may pass, or the said landing-
may be laid off; and the said valuation shall be made and
paid, or secured to be paid, before the Commissioners
shall proceed to open and clear the same; and in case
any proprietor or proprietors, shall conceive him, her,
or themselves aggrieved by the valuation of the said com-
missioners, it shall and may be lawful for the Commissi-
oners, or a majority of them, on the application of any
person interested, to issue their warrant, under their
hands and seals, to the constable of the hundred where
such lands may be, commanding him to summon twelve
freeholders, not interested in the said lands, to appear on
a clay by them appointed, on the said lands; at which time
and place, such freeholders so summoned, shall respect-
ively appear before the said commissioners, and take the
following oath, to wit: "I, A. B. do swear, that I will
honestly, without prejudice or partiality, value the dam-
ages and injury that may be sustained by opening a road
or landing through the lands of ————— , (as the case
may be) in pursuance of this act of Assembly ." and shall
return an inquisition of such damages so assessed, to the