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Session Laws, 1813
Volume 632, Page 35   View pdf image
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three whole years next preceding such sale, except in
cases of disposition by last will and testament, and dis-
positions by law, for bona fide debts, or consequent upon




An act relating to the Election Districts in Worcester


Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That all that part of the election dis-
trict, number one, in Worcester county, which lies to
the North and East of the following line, beginning
at the mill formerly called Dorman's Mill, on Caulker's
Creek., thence running up and with the said branch or
creek, to Harper's Mill, on said branch, thence running
up to the said branch to Girdle Tree Hill, near Thomas
Marshall's house; thence leaving the said Thomas Mar-
shall's house, in district number one, running with a
road called the Sea Side Road, to the landing called Par-
ramore's Landing, shall be, and hereby is added to dis-
trict number two, in said county; and all voters resi-
ding on the North and East side of said line, in that part
of district number one, hereby added to district number
two, hereafter shall vote at Snow-Hill, in district num-
ber two.

Passed Jan.
6, 1814.


2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing in this
act contained, shall interfere with the business of the
Commissioners of the tax of Worcester county, but for
all the purposes of the act passed at November session
eighteen hundred and twelve, entitled "An act for the
valuation of real and personal property in the several
counties of this state," the election districts in said county
shall be considered to remain the same as before the pas-
sage of this act.

This act not to
interfere with
the duty of the
of the tax.


An act for the benefit of Rachel Rawans, of Dorchester
WHEREAS it is represented to this General Assem-
bly, by the petition of Rachel Rawans, of Dorchester
county, that she is an illegitimate child, and sister to
Elizabeth Wails, late of Caroline county, deceased; that
the said Elizabeth Wails died, leaving no issue, nor bro-
ther or sister, other than your petitioner; that during the
last sickness of the said Elizabeth Wails, she attempted
to make a nuncupative will in favor of the petitioner,
which has not been established in due form of law; and
that the said Elizabeth Wails, died possessed of a small
personal estate, and prays that a law may pass to enable
tier to possess the same; and the prayer of the petitioner

Passed Jan.
5, 1814.


appearing reasonable: Therefore,
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the right to the personal estate of

Entitled to the
estate of Eliza-
beth Wails.

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Session Laws, 1813
Volume 632, Page 35   View pdf image
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