Dec. Sess.
Treasurer of
Western Shore
to be furnished
with state-
ment &c.
very only; Provided it shall not be lawful for said Bank
to issue notes of less denomination than five dollars.
20. The treasurer of the Western Shore, for the time
being, shall be furnished once every year, or oftener if
required, with statements of the amount, of the capital
stock of the said corporation, and of the debts due to and
from the same; of the amount of monies deposited there-
in; of the notes in circulation; of the cash in hand, and
of the profits made; and shall have a right to inspect such
general accounts in the hook's of the Bank, as shall relate
to the said statements; but nothing herein contained, shall
be construed to imply a right of inspecting the account of
any private individual with the Bank; nor shall such ge-
neral statement, and power of inspection, be used for
any other purpose, but to enable him to form a just opi-
nion of the state of the institution, relative to the public
safety, and of the profits thereof, over which he is hereby
appointed guardian, as far as the same relates to the state.
Period of in-
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall con-
tinue in force, until the expiration of the year eighteen
hundred and fifteen, and until the end of the next session
Passed Jan.
5, 1814.
An act for altering the time of the meeting of the Com-
missioners of the Tax in Frederick county
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the meeting of the Commission-
ers of the Tax, in Frederick county, shall be hereafter
held on the first Monday in February, in each year, in-
stead of the first Monday of April, as fixed by the forty-
third section of the act entitled, "An act for the valua-
tion of real and personal property in this state," passed at
November session, eighteen hundred and twelve.
Passed Jan.
7, 1814.
to bring his
slaves into the
An act for the relief of William Wheeler, junior.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That William Wheeler, junior, be, and
he is hereby authorised and empowered to remove, im-
port, and bring into this state, at any time within one
year after the passage of this act, such slave or slaves,
as have been given, or may be given to him by his fa-
ther in law, Lewis Blackburn, of the state of Virginia,
end which slave or slaves, or the mothers of which slave
or slaves, shall have been resident of the state of Virgi-
nia, three whole years next preceding such removal or
importation, and the same to retain as slaves.
Shall not sell
for 3 years.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing herein
contained, shall be construed to enable the said William
Wheeler, junior, to sell or dispose of any slave or slaves,
imported by virtue of this act, or their increase, until the
said slave or slaves shall have resided within this state,