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Session Laws, 1813
Volume 632, Page 22   View pdf image
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Declared a
public high

Expenses to
be defrayed.

5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the said
road shall be laid out, cleared, opened, and made pass-
able, the same shall forever thereafter, be deemed and ta-
ken for a public road, and shall be kept in repair, in the
same manner that other public roads are kept in said

6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the persons inte-
rested in opening the said road, shall pay the reasonable
expenses for laying out, surveying, and returning a plot
of the same.


Passed Jan.

3, 1814.


An Act to establish a Bank, and incorporate a Company,
under the title of The Rank of Somerset.
WHEREAS the interests of the state in general, and
the people of Somerset in particular, may be greatly be-
nefited by the establishment of a Bank at the town of
Princess-Anne; Therefore,

Bank estab-

Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-

sembly of Maryland, That a Bank, to be called and
known by the name of The Bank of Somerset, shall be
established at the town of Princess Anne, in the said


2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the capital of the
Bank, shall be limited to two hundred thousand dollars,
money of the United States, to consist of two thousand
shares, of one hundred dollars each.

book to be
Notice given
May adjourn-
First instal-

3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That a book of sub-
scription for the said capital, shall be opened at Princess-
Anne, under the direction of Littleton Dennis, senior,
John Stewart, Peter Dashiell, George W. Jackson, Wil-
liam Williams, Zadock Long, senior, Josiah Polk, jun.
Charles Jones, George Jones, and Matthias Dashiell, or
any two or more of them, on a day by them appointed for
that purpose, and notified in the most public places of
the county, and elsewhere, as shall seem most expedi-
ent to the commissioners aforesaid, at least three weeks
previous thereto, who shall meet on the day so appointed
for receiving subscriptions, at ten, A. M. and continue
the same open, till five, P. M. And if the subscripti-
ons shall exceed the capital, the commissioners shall ap-
portion the same among the subscribers, by proportion-
ate deductions, so that the whole be reduced to the pro-
per limit; but if the said subscriptions shall not be filled
on the first day, the commissioners aforesaid, may ad-
journ from day to day, during five days, exclusive of the
first; and at any time after the first day, if the subscrip-
tion shall be complete, the commissioners shall close the
book; and those who have previously subscribed, shall
be entitled to stock in the said Bank: from each of whom,

the said commissioners at the time of subscribing, shall
exact the first instalment of two dollars on each share.

Election for
Directors, &c.

4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That within ten days

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Session Laws, 1813
Volume 632, Page 22   View pdf image
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