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Session Laws, 1813
Volume 632, Page 21   View pdf image
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A further supplement to the act entitled, "An act to lay
out a road from William Sinclair's plantation, to
Vaughan's Mine Run, and Gun-powder Mills; and

from thence to the Owl Branch," passed at November
session, eighteen hundred and two.



Passed Jan.

1, 1814.

Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That William R. Gillis, and David

Gorsuch, be, and they are hereby appointed, authorised
and empowered, in conjunction with William Johnson,
(of William to carry into effect the provisions of the ori-
ginal act, and supplement thereto, to which this act is a
further supplement.


ers appointed.

An act to lay out and open a road in Worcester hundred,

in Worcester county.

Passed Jan.
3, 1814.

Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-

bly of Maryland, That Mitchell Gray, Lemuel Showell,

senior, Seth Whaley, Nathaniel Evans, and Adam Bra-
vard, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners ;
and the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are
hereby authorised and empowered to open, lay out, sur-
vey, mark and bound a public road in Worcester coun-
ty, not exceeding thirty feet wide, beginning at or near
Crooksy Hill Road, thence running the divisional linear
between the lands of Lemuel Showell and Aaron Hallo-
way, Edward Bowles, Purnell's, Mifflin's, and Carry's,
to intersect the west line between the state or Maryland
and Delaware, or to run in such directions as a majority
of said commissioners may consider will be of most ad-
vantage to the public, and of least injury to the persons



Beginning and

through whose land said road may pass; Provided, That
nothing herein contained, shall in any manner authorise
the said commissioners to open said road through the build-
ings, gardens, orchards, yards or meadows, of any per-
son or persons, without his, her, or their consent.


2. AND. BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them, shall ascertain and va-
lue what damages may be sustained by any person or per-
sons, through whose land the said road may pass, by
opening and clearing the same.


ers to value

3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the damages so
ascertained, shall be paid, or secured to be paid to the
individuals concerned, by the persons interested in the

Damages to be


opening of the said road before the same shall he opened.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, are hereby directed to
make out a plot of said road, as laid out and marked by
them, and return the same to the clerk of Worcester coun-
ty court, who shall record the same.

A plot of the
road to be re-

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Session Laws, 1813
Volume 632, Page 21   View pdf image
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