Passed Jan.
1, 1814.
An act to authorise the sale of certain property of John
Ridgely, a minor.
WHEREAS it is represented, that John Ridgely,
of Baltimore county, a minor, of nearly twenty years
of age, is seized as tenant in tail, male, of the one half
of a mill, and thirty acres of land; and is sole seized of
other land, situate on the Great Gun-powder Falls, in
Baltimore county, of which an advantageous pale could
now be made. And whereas said John Ridgely, and
Thomas Love, his guardian, have petitioned that the le-
gislature should authorise such sale, and the said petition
appearing reasonable; Therefore,
John Ridgely
authorised to
sell his proper-
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the said John Ridgely, notwith-
standing his minority, be, and he is hereby made capa-
ble in law, to contract for the sale of the said real estate,
devised to his father Edward, by Charles Ridgely, for-
merly of Baltimore county, situate on Great Gunpow-
der Falls, in Baltimore county, or such part of he same,
as he shall think proper; and in due form of law, to exe-
cute and acknowledge all such assurances, or deeds of
conveyance, us shall be necessary for conveying the same
or such part thereof, to the purchaser, in fee simple ;
which said deed, or deeds of conveyance or assurances,
shall he as good and available in law, to all intents and
purposes, to convey the estate of the said John Ridgely,
in and to the same, and to bar the estate tail therein, as
if the said John Ridgely were at the time of the execution
Further Pro-
and acknowledgment of the same, of full age; Provided,
That said Thomas Love, guardian as aforesaid, approve
of the sale to be made in virtue of this act, and do join
said John Ridgely, in executing any deed or deeds of con-
veyance of the land aforesaid, made in pursuance thereof.
And provided further, That such deed or deeds, shall
not bar any estate tail remainder, on the death of the
said John Ridgely, if he shall die before he shall attain
the age of twenty one years
Proceeds of
the sale.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the purchase mo-
ney of the said land so sold, or such part thereof, as
shall be contracted to be paid during the minority of the
said John Ridgely, shall be paid into the Bank of Bal-
timore, to the credit, and for the use of the said John
Ridgely, provided he attains the age of twenty-one years;
but if the said John Ridgely should die before he attains
the age of twenty-one years, then the said deposit to stand
to the credit of, and be for the use and benefit of the per-
son who deposits the same, or his assigns.