making payment of the principal and six per cent interest and costs, on
or before the first day of January eighteen hundred and fifteen; Provided,
That any judgments upon which proceedings may be stayed as aforesaid,
shall continue and remain in full force, and executions may be issued
thereon at any time after the expiration of such stay.
Dec. Sess.
No. 5.
Whereas, By an act entitled, an act relating to the governor and council
of this state passed at the last session, one months additional service was
imposed on the executive of this state; and whereas it is just and right that
the governor and the members of the executive council should be paid for
the performance of this additional service,
Therefore resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay out of
any unappropriated money in the treasury to his excellency the governor,
the members of the council, the clerk and messenger to the council, for
their services during; the month abovementioned, the one twelfth part of
the annual salaries which by the laws of this state the governor and coun-
cil, the clerk and messenger to the council respectively are entitled to re-
Passed Jan.
18, 1814
In favor of
the governor
and council, &
their officers.
No. 6.
Whereas, It is represented to this General Assembly, by the petition of
George Gale of Cecil county, that the resolution which passed in his be-
half at November session eighteen hundred, erroneously stated the date of
a deed therein mentioned from a certain John Ryan to said Gale, to be 'he
1st of December 1795 instead of the 31st of December 1795, and which
deed conveyed a part of a tract of land called New Connaught Manor,
whereby the said Gale cannot derive a benefit intended to have been ex-
tended to him; Therefore,
Resolved, That the chancellor be, and he is hereby authorised to issue
or cause to be issued, a patent for a part of New Connaught Manor lying
in Cecil county, to and in favor of George Gale of Cecil county, in the
manner and on the terms provided by the said resolution, without requir-
ing a new survey to be made of said land, and as if the deed from John
Ryan to said Gale had been truly recited in the resolution aforesaid.
Passed Jan.
25, 1814.
In favor of
George Gale.
No. 7.
Resolved, That the governor and council be, and they are hereby author-
vised to examine the claim of Richard Waters of the city of Baltimore,
against the state of Maryland for supplying the drafted militia stationed at
Baltimore in May and June last, with blankets and shirts, and to draw on
the treasurer of the western shore for such sum of money as may appear
to be due him for the supplying the said shirts and blankets; Provided,
They shall be satisfied that no provision has been made by the general
government for the payment of the said claim; And provided also, That
the said Richard Waters shall deliver to the use of the State of Maryland
the said blankets, except eight.
Passed Jan,
26, 1814.
In favor of
Richard Wa-
No. 8.
Resolved, That Benjamin Harwood trustee of the state be, and he is
hereby authorised and directed to transfer the thirty thousand dollars of
the six per cent stock of the United States, (meant and intended to be
loaned by the resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed the
1st of December 1812,) to the president and directors of the Potomac
Company, upon their pledging the funds of the said company, and giving
the bond of the said corporate body for the reimbursement of the princi-
pal in stock of the like nature, with that loaned by instalments of three
four and five years, with interest from the date of the transfer upon the
whole amount of principal remaining unpaid, such interest to be paid an-
nually, and in money of the United States.
Passed Jan.
27, 1814.
In favor of
the president
and directors
of the Potomac
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
No. 9.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to John Sullivan,
the sum of fifty dollars, as messenger to the court of chancery.
In favor of
John Sullivan.
No. 10.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Caleb Stewart,
doorkeeper of the house of delegates, the sum of sixty dollars, and to
Henry Thompson, messenger to the Senate, the sum of fifty dollars, as a
Passed Jan.
31, 1814,
In favor of
Caleb Stewart
and Henry