assigns or orders, or to such of them as shall offer to re-
ceive the same, the several sums of current money al-
lowed to them respectively, as they appear to be settled
and ascertained by the said journal of accounts, out of
any money now in the treasury, or that shall come into
the treasury subject to the appropriation of the General
Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Mary-
land, at December Session 1813.
Passed Jan.
8, 1814.
Directing an
index to be
made to the
acts and reso-
lutions passed
since 1799.
No. 1.
Resolved, That the governor and council cause an index to be made to
all acts and resolutions of the General Assembly, passed since the year
seventeen hundred and ninety-nine, with references to the sessions, chap-
ters and sections; and that the same be printed, and distributed with the
acts of the present session of Assembly, to such persons and authorities
as are by law entitled to receive the said acts.
Passed Jan.
16, 1814.
In favor of
James Butch-
er, James Hall
and others.
No. 2.
Resolved, That James Hall and James Butcher be, and they are hereby
respectively released from the payment of the judgments obtained in Queen
Ann's county court, against the said James Hall, (and Ann Hackett, wife
of the said James Butcher,) as securities of John B. Hackett, collector of
the taxes in the said county for the year 1801, and that James Brown be,
and he is hereby released from the payment of a judgment obtained in the
said court against him as security of Richard E. Harrison collector of the
taxes in said county for the year 1802, and that Elizabeth Devonix and
Robert Carson be, and they are hereby respectively released from the pay-
ments of the judgments obtained in said court against them, or either of
them, as securities of the said Richard E. Harrison for the year 1803.
Passed Jan.
15, 1814.
In favor of
John Murray
and Josias Ste-
No. 3.
Resolved. That the treasurer of the western shore be. and he is hereby
authorised and empowered to examine into the accounts of Thomas Baily
formerly sheriff of Baltimore county with the state of Maryland, and to
make allowances of such other and further credits as he the said Thomas
Baily shall satisfy him ought to be admitted over and above the credits al-
lowed on the judgments rendered against the said Thomas Baity and his
securities, John Murray and Josias Stevenson in Baltimore county court,
which bear date on the twenty first day of November, in the year eighteen
hundred and eleven, and that the said treasurer of the western shore be,
and be is hereby authorised and directed to release on behalf of the state
by instrument under his hand and seal, the said John Murray and Josias
Stevenson from the judgments aforesaid, on the payment by them of the
principal sum of money so ascertained to be due with an interest of six
per cent thereon and costs of suits within six months after the amount
shall have been so adjusted; Provided the said adjustment shall be made
within three months from and after the passage of this resolution.
Passed Jan.
25, 1814.
In favor of
debtors to the
No. 4.
Resolved, That the governor and council be, and they are hereby au-
thorised and empowered, in all cues of debts due to this state, where judg-
ments have been obtained, and the defendants are subject to execution,
upon application bring made to them, and being fully satisfied that the
said debt for which an indulgence is prayed is well and sufficiently secur-
ed, and upon such applicant paving six per cent interest and all coats due
thereon, to stay any further proceedings against such debtors until the first
of January eighteen hundred and fifteen, and the said debtors to the state
against whom judgments are obtained for principal and fifteen per cent in-
terest, are hereby released from nine per cent of said interest, upon their