A supplement to the act entitled, an act for opening and
extending Aisquith street in the eastern precincts of
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That the mayor and city council
of the city of Baltimore be, and they are hereby author-
ised and directed to open and extend Aisquith street as by
the act to which this is a supplement is directed to be done;
and said mayor shall appoint five commissioners who shall
value the damages, and levy the contributions as direct-
ed in said act to be done by twelve freeholders, and said
mayor and city council shall have power to collect said
contribution in the manner in which the contribution is
directed in said act to be collected, and shall pay those
who shall be entitled to damages, and on payment of
such damages said street shaft be opened as directed.
Dec. Sess.
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
Said street
may be extend-
ed, &c.
An act to pay the civil list, and other expences of civil
WHEREAS those who dedicate their time, abilities
and labor to the public ought to receive a reasonable and
adequate compensation for their services; Therefore,
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the following officers of civil
government for the time being shall be entitled to receive
at the rate of the following salaries, in current money for
the ensuing year, to wit: the treasurer of the western
shore two thousand dollars: the treasurer of the eastern
shore four hundred and fifty dollars; the auditor, eight,
hundred dollars; the clerk of the council eight hundred
dollars; the clerk of the senate one hundred and fifty dol-
lars; the clerk of the house of delegates three hundred dol-
lars; the printer of the state twelve hundred dollars; and
the messenger to the council two hundred and fifty dollars.
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
Officers sal-
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all monies
which shall remain in the treasury after discharging the
journal of accounts, and all unappropriated money which
may come into the treasury, be first applied to the pay.
ment of the civil list for the ensuing year.
Monies first
to be applied
to this use.
An act for the payment of the journal of accounts.
WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts of
this session, that there is due from this state the sum of
twenty eight thousand seven hundred and seventy one
dollars twenty eight and one third cents,
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the western
shore be, and he is hereby authorised and required to
pay the several persons, their executors, administrators,
sums to be
paid by the