Dec. Sess.
tors and executrix of the last will and testament of said
Hanna, that the said Hanna did among other things be-
queath to his infant sou Alexander B. Hanna, a printing
establishment with all the necessary apparatus thereunto
belonging, to be used for the benefit of the family of the
said deceased, until the said infant should arrive at law-
ful age that for want of constant and regular business,
the said establishment is not productive, and that it will
be greatly to the advantage both to the family and to the
minor to sell the said establishment, and vest the pro-
ceeds thereof in some productive stock: Therefore,
Persons au-
thorised to
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That Thomas Ryan and Ann his
wife, and William Warner of Baltimore city be, and
they are hereby authorised and empowered as trustees to
set up and expose to public sale, after giving four weeks
notice in two of the news papers published in the city
of Baltimore, the printing establishment and all the ne-
cessary apparatus thereunto belonging, which was be-
queathed by the last will and testament of Andrew Man-
na, of the city of Baltimore, deceased, to his infant son
Alexander B. Hanna, on the following terms, to wit: the
purchaser or purchasers to pay one half of the purchase mo-
ney at the time of sale, and to give bond with approved se-
curity, bearing interest from the day of sale for the remain,-
ing hall, to be paid in six months from the time of sale ;
Provided nevertheless, that the said Thomas Ryan and
Ann Ins wife, and William Warner, before they proceed
to the said safe, shall give bond to the state of Maryland,
with two securities to be approved of by the orphans'
court of Baltimore county, in the penalty of three thou-
sand dollars, conditioned fur the faithful performance of
the trust in them reposed by this act of assembly, which
bond shall alter having been approved by the said
justices of the orphans court, be recorded among the land
records of said county, and upon such bond or office
copy thereof, suit or suits may be instituted against the
obligors thereon, or any of them, for any breach or non-
compliance with the conditions thereof by any person
interested therein.
Return on
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustees
shall as soon as conveniently may be after the said sale,
return a true and just account thereof on oath to the or-
phans court of Baltimore county, there to be recorded.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the money arising
from the said sale after deducting the expences incurred
thereby, shall be invested by the said trustees in stock
in some of the banks of the state of Maryland, the in-
terest arising therefrom to be applied until the said Alex-
ander B. Hanna shall attain the age of eighteen years,
in the manner directed by the said will, as to the pro-
fits of the said priming establishment.