An act for the relief of Greenbury Howard, of Mont-
gomery county.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the levy court of Montgomery
county he, and are hereby authorised and empower-
ed, at their next meeting, to assess and levy sixteen dol-
lars and three cents on the assessable property of said
county, and that the same be collected by the collector
of the county, and by him paid to the said Greenbury
Howard or his order.
Dec. Sess.
Passed Jan.
29, 1814.
16 dollars to
be assessed.
An act for the sale of the real estate of Thomas Parran,
late of Calvert county, deceased.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Richard Grahame, adminis-
trator of Thomas Parran, deceased, be, and he is hereby
authorised and empowered as trustee, to set up and ex-
pose to public sale, a house and lot in the town of Lower
Marlbrough, and a tract or parcel of land, late the pro-
perty of Thomas Parran, deceased, situate in Calvert
county, after giving six weeks notice thereof in one of
the newspapers published in the District of Columbia,
and one of the newspapers published in the city of An-
napolis, of the time ana place of sale, and the said house
and lot and lands to sell either together or separate to
the highest bidder, on the following terms, the purchaser
or purchasers to give bond with two securities to be
approved of by the trustee aforesaid, payable in six
months with interest from the day of sale.
Passed Jan.
31, 1814.
Trustee em-
powered to
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustee
on the receipt of the purchase money, shall by a good and
sufficient deed duly executed and acknowledged agreea-
ble to law, grant, bargain and sell, make over and con-
vey to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and his, her
or their heirs and assigns forever, all the right, title, in-
terest and estate of Jane Parran the widow, and James
M. Parran, Thomas M. Ridgway and Margaret his wife,
Mary Parran, Thomas Parran, Benjamin Parran and
John Parran, the representatives of the said deceased, of,
in and to the house and lot and the lands and premise-,
aforesaid, which said purchaser or purchasers, and his
her or their heirs and assigns, on payment of the pur-
chase money and interest by them respectively due, shall
have and hold the said house and lot and premises res-
pectively free and clear of all claims and demands of the
said Jane Parran the widow. James M. Parran, Thomas
M. Ridgway and Margaret his wife, Mary Parran, Tho-
mas Parran, Benjamin Parran and John Parran and each
Deed of con-
of them, and their heirs forever hereafter. Provided ne-
vertheless, That the said Richard Grahame, before he pro-
ceeds to said sale, shall give bond payable to the state of