An act to confirm and make valid certain proceedings of
the Levy Court of Prince George's county.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General. Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the proceedings of the levy court
of Prince George's county, upon the third Monday of
October, eighteen hundred and thirteen, in adjusting the
expenses or said county, and imposing the assessment
according to the act of assembly for the valuation of real
and personal property, be, and the same are hereby de-
clared to be as valid and effectual, as if the same had
been done within the time limited by the act of assembly,
passed at November session, seventeen hundred and
ninety-four, chapter fifty three.
Passed Dec.
29, 1813.
Proceedings of
the levy court
An act authorising William G. D. Worthington, to sell
the real estate of Thomas Contee, late of Prince
George's county, deceased.
Passed Dec.
30, 1813.
WHEREAS Thomas C. Worthington, executor of
the said Thomas Contee, W. G. Worthington, Sarah M.
Worthington, Almyra Worthington. Jane M. Worthing-
ton, Walter B. C. Worthington, Alice Lee Contee, Phi-
lip Ashton Lee Contee, and Edmund Henry Contee,
the heirs and residuary legatees of the said Thomas Con-
tee (some of whom being minors, whose fathers respect-
ively, to wit, William Worthington, and the Reverend
Doctor Benjamin Contee, having signed a memorial to
the General Assembly,) have represented, that the said
Thomas Contee, died seized possessed of a valuable
estate, both real and personal That the said executor
states the personal property is insufficient to pay the debts
and legacies of the deceased; and the said heirs finding
that the lands owned by the deceased, are so scattered
through the various counties of this state, that they are
rather a burthen and trouble, than a source of any valu-
able income; and thinking it will be greatly to their in-
terest, as well as to that of the creditors, to sell and
dispose of all the real estate, and after the payment of
debts, whatever money may be due the from to said
minor heirs, to be vested for their use in liable stock, or
some other public funds; and said memorial appearing
just and reasonable; Therefore,
Heirs of T.
Contee repre-
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That William G. D Worthington,
aforesaid, be, and he is hereby authorised and empow-
ered, as trustee, to sell at vendue, upon a credit of from
one to three years, as to him in any particular instance
may seem best, after giving such public notice of the time
and place of any such sales, as he may consider suffici-
ent, all the real estate of which the said Thomas Contee
W. G. D.
empowered as
trustee to sell
real property.