Authorised to
remove his
slaves into this
county, who has lately removed from the state of Vir-
ginia, to reside in this state, shall be, and he is hereby
authorised and empowered to remove, import, and bring
into this state, at any time within one year after the Pas-
sage of this act, such slave or slaves, as he may have a
bona fide absolute right unto, by virtue of any gift to him
or allotment made by the father of the said William
Downey; which said slave or slaves, shall have been ac-
tually resident in the state of Virginia, before such remo-
val or importation; any law to the contrary notwith-
Shall not dis-
pose of them
or three years.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing herein
contained, shall be construed to enable the said William
Downey, to sell or dispose of any slave or slaves im-
ported by virtue of this act, or their increase, until the
said slave or slaves shall have resided within this state,
three whole years next preceding such sale, except in
cases of disposition by last will and testament, and dis-
positions by law, for bona fide debts, or consequent upon
Passed Dec.
29, 1813.
Deed confirm-
An act for the relief of Dennis Kennedy, of Frederick
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the deed from Frederick Nicode-
mus, to Dennis Kennedy, both of Frederick county,
which appears to have been executed on the second day
of October, in the year eighteen hundred, and duly re-
corded among the land records of the said county, pur-
porting to convey to the said Dennis Kennedy, a title to
a certain lot or parcel of ground therein described, shall
be valid to vest in the said Dennis Kennedy, and his
heirs and assigns, according to the terms of the said deed,
a legal title to the said property, in as full and ample a
manner, as if the said Dennis Kennedy had been a natu-
ralized citizen of the United States, at the time of the
execution thereof, competent in law to acquire a complete
right to real property in this state: Provided always,
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said Dennis Ken-
nedy, shall not derive any benefit under the provisions of
this act, unless he shall continue to proceed to become
a naturalized citizen of the United States, at such period
as the laws of the United States may permit; but in case
of the death of the said Dennis Kennedy, without being
naturalized, the provisions of this act shall enure to the
benefit of the widow and children of the said Dennis Ken-
nedy, as the case may be; or of such other persons as,
according to the laws of this state, would be entitled to
the said property, as heirs, or as devisees, of. the said
Dennis Kennedy, if he had been duly naturalized, and
capable of acquiring a legal title to real property in this
state, at the time of the aforesaid deed.