died seized and possessed, in the state of Maryland, or
elsewhere; and also all the lands or tenements, which
by the judgment or decree of any of the courts of law or
equity, may hereafter accrue to, and become a part of the
estate of the said Thomas Contee, Provided, no person be
specially appointed as trustee, under any such judg-
ment or decree; and upon receipt of the purchase money,
and not before, to convey any part or parts of said real
estate to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, by good
and sufficient deed or deeds.
Shall give
Bond to be
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said
trustee shall proceed to make any sale, in virtue of this
act, he shall enter into bond, in the name of the state of
Maryland, in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, current
money, with two securities to be approved of by the Or-
phans' Court of Prince George's county, with conditi-
ons, that he will well and truly perform the trust reposed
in him, by this act, to the best of his skill and judgment,
and lodge the same with the register of wills of said
county, to be by him recorded among the proceedings of
the Orphans' Court aforesaid and shall be liable to be
put in suit, by any person or persons interested therein.
Trustee to pay
over the mo-
Allowed a
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said trustee
shall pay over, or invest the monies arising from the sales
of the said real estate, in a reasonable time after he may
receive the same, in such manner as the justices of the
Orphans' Court aforesaid, shall or may direct; said trus-
tee retaining in his own hands, as a commission for his
trouble and personal expenses, including costs of adver-
tising and auctioneering, a sum not exceeding ten per
cent, in the discretion of the Orphans' Court of Prince
George's county.
his deed.
Case of death
or resignation
of the trustee.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any conveyance
or deed, which shall be made by the trustee aforesaid,
by virtue of this act, shall be, and the same is hereby
declared to be valid and effectual to pass and convey all
the right, title and interest of the said heirs and legatees
of the said Thomas Contee, deceased, in and to any pro-
perty which may be sold by the said trustee, in pursuance
hereof, to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and their
heirs respectively; and in case the said trustee may die,
or not accept, or resign the said trust, before the com-
pletion thereof, then and in such event, the court may ap-
point sonic other person to fill his place, who, on giving
bond as aforesaid, shall proceed to complete the object of
this act, in the same manner as if the said trustee had
proceeded in, or completed the same.
Passed Dec.
31, 1813.
Empowered to
bring a slave
into the state.
An act for the relief of Nathan Trail, of Montgomery
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Nathan Trail be, and he is hereby
authorised and empowered to remove, import, and bring