chattels and effects, of what nature, kind or quality so-
ever; and the same to grant, demise, alien or dispose
of; and by the name aforesaid, to do and execute all other
things touching the same; Provided, that the clear yearly
value of the real estate of said corporation, exclusive of
any home which they may hereafter possess, for the keep-
ing of the books and effects of the society, exceed not
the sum of three thousand dollars.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said society,
and their successors, by the aforesaid name, shall be for-
ever hereafter, able and capable in law, to sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered,
defend and be defended, in any court of record, or any
other place whatsoever; and also to make, have, and use
Recognized in
a common seal, and the same to break, alter and renew
at pleasure; and also to assemble and meet at such times
and places as they may agree upon, and by a majority of
the voices of those attending, to ordain, establish, and
put in execution, such by-laws, ordinances and regula-
tions, as to them shall seem necessary and convenient,
for the government of the society and institution; the
same not being contrary to the laws of this state, or of
the United States; and generally to do and execute all
such acts, matters and things, as to them shall or may
appertain to do.
To assemble —
enact by-laws,
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That until there shall
be, under this act, an election of officers necessary to the
ends of this institution, those now acting, or who may
be hereafter appointed to act, under any existing regula-
tions of the society, shall continue so to do, according to
the provisions heretofore made; and such regulations shall,
till lawfully altered, be deemed as valid and obligatory,
as if made since the passing of this act.
present offi-
An act for the relief of John Carman.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Levy Court of Anne-Arundel
county be, and they are hereby authorised and empow-
ered, at their annual meeting, so long as they shall see
cause so to do, to assess and levy on the assessable pro
perty of said county, a sum of money not exceeding thirty
dollars, towards the support and maintenance of the said
John Carman, his wife and three children; which said
sum of money, when collected, shall be annually paid
over by the collector of Anne Arundel county, to the
said John Carman, or to his order.
Passed Dec.
29, 1813.
Levy 30 dols.
for his support
An act for the relief of William Downey, of Frederick
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That William Downey, of Frederick
Passed Dec.
29, 1813.