ryland, to be approved of by the said Orphans Court,
for the due execution of his trust, which bond shall he
lodged with the register of wills for the county aforesaid;
ana the said bond shall be recorded, and be subject to be
put in suit by any person or persons interested, in the
same manner as administration bonds now are.
To pay over
the money.
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the trustee ap-
pointed by virtue of this act, shall be accountable to the
guardian of the said children, under the direction of the
Orphans Court aforesaid, and pay over the money arising
from the sale of said property, in such manner as the said
court shall or may direct
His deed con-
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any conveyance
or deed made by the trustee, pursuant to the directions
of the Orphans Court aforesaid, shall and is hereby de-
clared to be valid and effectual to convey all the right,
title and interest, which the said Arthur Hughes, at the
time of his death, had in and to the property aforesaid,
to the purchaser or purchasers of the same.
Case of the
death of one of
the minors.
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case either of
the said minors should die before they arrive at age, the
sum of money arising from the sale of the said property,
shall pass and descend in the same manner, and to the
same persons, that the property itself would have de-
scended, had it not have been sold by virtue of this act ;
the interest accruing upon the purchase money, to be ap-
plied to the maintenance and benefit of the said minors;
Passed Dec.
29, 1813.
An act to incorporate the Bible Society of Baltimore.
WHEREAS it is represented to this General Assem-
bly, that a number of charitably disposed persons, have
formed themselves into a society in the city of Baltimore,
for the purpose of furnishing the Holy Scriptures to those
of their fellow citizens, who from poverty or other causes,
are unprovided therewith; And whereas this General
Assembly is desirous to aid and encourage an institution
so apostolic in its object; Therefore,
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the aforesaid persons, and such
other persons as they may hereafter admit into their soci-
ety, agreeably to such rules and by laws as now are, or
as they may from time to time establish, for the benefi-
cial and orderly management of their institution, shall
be, and they and their successors and assigns, are hereby
declared to be one community, corporation, and body
politic, forever hereafter, by the name and style of "The
Bible Society of Baltimore;" and by that name they shall
be, and are hereby made able and capable in law, to have,
purchase, receive, possess, enjoy and retain, to them and
their successors, lands, tenements, rents, annuities, pen-
sions, and other hereditaments, in fee simple, or for a
term of years, life, lives, or otherwise; and also goods,