Dec. Sess.
rett, Henry Schroeder, junr. James Sterrett, James
Wilson, David Warfield, or a majority of them be, and
they are hereby authorised to raise by way of lotteries,
a sum of money not exceeding fifty thousand dollars,
over and above all expences and commissions allowed
on sales of tickets, for the use of the Baltimore General
Dispensary, and the said managers, or such person or
persons, as a majority of them shall authorise, may sell
the tickets in such lotteries in the city of Baltimore, or
in any part of this state office from any tax or charge
Deaths, re-
signations, &c.
of managers,
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any one or
more of the persons above named as managers to con-
duct the said lotteries, shall die, resign, or refuse to act,
the President and Managers of the Baltimore General
Dispensary, may appoint one or more managers to fill
the vacancy thereby occasioned, and the person or per-
sons so appointed, shall have the same powers and au-
thority to act under this law; as those who are named
shall give bond
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the mana-
gers herein before named, or to be appointed as afore-
said, shall proceed to act under this law, they shall ex-
ecute a bond to the state of Maryland in the penal sum
of one hundred thousand dollars, with condition that
they will well and truly pay all prizes, that shall bo
drawn in any lottery which they shall propose in virtue
of this act, at the expiration of sixty days after the con-
fusion of the drawing of such lottery, to the persons
holding the tickets emitted to such prizes, if the same
shall be demanded within twelve months after the con-
clusion of such drawing; and that they will pay over the
amount raised by such lottery or lotteries, after deducting
all expences and commissioners as aforesaid, to the pre-
sident and managers of the Baltimore General Dispen-
sary, which bond shall be deposited in the office of the
clerk of Baltimore county, and suits may be brought and
prosecuted thereon, at the instance and for the use of any
person or persons interested; in the same manner as suits
are brought and prosecuted on other bonds given to the
Passed Jan.
28, 1814.
Lottery au-
thorised. Sum
to be raised.
Managers to
give bond.
An act authorising a lottery to raise a sum of money for
certain purposes therein mentioned.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General As-
sembly of Maryland, That it shall and may be lawful
for William P. Farquhar, Joseph S. Smith, George
Price, William Knox, Thomas Boyer, Moses Shaw,
James Drummond, Benjamin Jones, and Jesse Cloud,
or a majority of them, to propose a scheme or schemes
of a lottery or lotteries, for raising a sum of money not
exceeding six thousand dollars, and sell and dispose