said, it shall be the duty of the assayer to cut, break or
deface, such silver work or manufacture so brought to
be touched, assayed and marked, and shall return the
same so eat, broken or defaced to the worker or maker
of the same, and shall make an entry in his books of the
species and weight of each parcel so cut and defaced by
him, and the name or names of the person or persons to
whom such stiver plate or manufacture did belong, and
there shall nevertheless be paid for the assaying of the
same, such rates or prices as are herein before limited
for assaying and marking, as if such parcel of plate had
been really marked.
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person or
persons, bodies politic or corporate, shall at any time or
times be sued, molested or prosecuted for any thins; by
him or them done or executed in pursuance of this act,
or of any clause, matter or thing herein contained, such
person or persons, and bodies politic or corporate, shall
or may plead the general issue, and give the special mat-
ter in evidence, for his or their defence: and if upon the
trial a verdict shall pass for the defendant or defendants,
or the plaintiff or plaintiffs become non suited, then such,
defendant or defendants shall have treble costs awarded
to him. her or them, against such plaintiff or plaintiffs.
Suits being
instituted; spe-
cial matter may
be given in
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That, nothing con-
tained in this act shall be consulted to affect the sale or
disposition of silver plate, or manufactured silver, of the
estate of any deceased person or persons which shall
have been used by such deceased person or persons in
his, her or their lifetime.
Plate now in
use not to be
be affected by
this act.
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines not ex-
ceeding fifty dollars, incurred under the provisions of
this act, shall he recovered before a justice of the peace,
as small debts are recoverable, in the name of the mayor
and city council of Baltimore, the one half thereof to
the said mayor and city council of Baltimore, for the use
of the city, and the other half for the use of the informer;
and all fines exceeding fifty dollars imposed by this act,
shall be recovered by action of debt in the county court
in the name of the mayor and city council of Baltimore,
the one half thereof to the said mayor and city-council
of Baltimore, for the use of the city, and the other half
thereof to the use of the informer.
Fines. How
to be recover-
An act for the aid of ike Baltimore General Dispen-
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Elias Glenn, Robert Barry, Ow-
en Dorsey, John Frick, Alexander Fridge, Thomas Fin-
ley, George Hoffman, David Harris, Peter Hoffman,
Fielding Lucas, junr. George Myers, Maxwell M'Dow-
ell, John M' Kim, June, Robert Patterson, Samuel Ster-
Passed Jan.
28, 1814.
Lottery au-
thorised. Sum
to be raised.