point: of which time and place of election, the president
shall give notice in the news-papers of Hager's Town,
at least one month next preceding each election; and that
such seven trustees when so elected, shall have all the
power, perform all the duties, and enjoy all the rights and
immunities, which by the law to which this is a supple-
ment, were given to and required of the twenty-one trus-
tees in the said original act mentioned.
Notice thereof.
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That three trustees and
the president, shall form a quorum for ordinary business ;
and in case of the absence of the president, the trustees
present, shall appoint a president pro tempore.
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That, so much of the
original act to which this is a supplement, as directs the
trustees to be elected in the month of October annually,
and also so much thereof as directs the election of twenty-
bne trustees, shall be, and the same is hereby repealed.
An act for the benefit of the children of Arthur Hughes,
late of Dorchester county, deceased.
Passed Dec.
23, 1813.
WHEREAS it is represented to this General Assem-
bly, by the petition of Clement Stanford and Jesse Hughes-
guardians of the children of Arthur Hughes, late of Dor-
chester county, deceased, to wit: John, Ann, Zoroba-
bel, Hannah, and Elizabeth T. Hughes, minors; that
the said Arthur Hughes died seized in fee-simple of two
lots of ground, and the improvements thereon; one lot
lying and being in Dorchester county, and the other in
Caroline county. Also that the said Arthur Hughes died
possessed of one lot of ground, and the improvements
thereon, lying and being in Dorchester county, and held
on a lease of ninety-nine years, renewable forever; and
that it would be greatly to the advantage of the said chil-
dren, to authorize the selling of the said property ;—
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Orphans Court of Dorches-
ter county, on application of the aforesaid Clement Stan-
ford and Jesse Hughes, and being satisfied that it is to the
advantage of the said minors, shall have full power and
authority to order the sale of the said three lots, and im-
provements thereon, the property of the said minors,
upon such terms as the said court may think proper,
and to appoint a trustee for the purpose of effecting such
Orphans court
may order sale
of lots.
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any sale made
by the authority of the Orphans Court of Dorchester
county, under this act, shall be notified to, and continued
by the Orphans Court of said county, before the con-
veyance of the property shall be made; and the trustee,
before he enters upon the trust to him committed, shall
enter into a bond, with good security to the state of Ma-
Sale must be