authority aforesaid. That when the said company shall
have perfected the said road, or any part thereof, from
time to time as aforesaid, and when the same shall have
been examined, approved and licensed as aforesaid, it
shall and may be lawful for them to appoint such and so
many toll gatherers as they shall think proper, to collect
and receive of and from all and every person and per-
sons using the said road, the tolls and rates hereinafter
mentioned, and to stop any person riding, leading or
driving any horse or mule, or driving any cattle, hogs,
sheep, sulky, chair, chaise, phaeton, cart, waggon, wain,
sleigh, sled or other carriage of burden or pleasure, from
passing through the said gates or turnpikes, until they
shall have respectively paid the same, that is to say: for
every space of five miles in length of the said road, the
following sums of money and so in proportion for any
greater or less distance at which gates shall be fixed to
collect toll, or for any greater or less number of hogs,
sheep or cattle, to wit: for every score of sheep four
cents; for every score of hogs, six and one fourth cents;
for every score of cattle, twelve and an hall cents; for
every horse or mule, laden or unladen, with his rider or
leader, three cents; for every sulky, chair or chaise, with
one horse and two wheels, six and a quarter cents; and
with two horses, twelve and an half cents; forever chair,
coach, phaeton, chaise, stage, waggon, coachee, or light
waggon, with two horses and four wheels, twelve and an
halt cents, for either of the carriages last mentioned
with four horses, twenty-five cents; tor every other car-
riage, of pleasure, under whatever name it may go, the
like sums, according to the number of wheels and of
horses drawing the same; for every sleigh or sled, two
cents for each horse drawing the same; for every cart or
waggon or other carriage of burden, the wheels of which
do not in breadth exceed four inches, five cents for eve-
ry horse drawing the same; for every cart or waggon the
wheels of which shall exceed in breadth four inches, and
shall not exceed seven inches, three cents for each horse
drawing the same; and when any such carriage as afore-
said shall be drawn by oxen or mares in the whole or in
part, two oxen shall be estimated as equal to one horse
Toll gather-
ers. Rates of