Dec. Sess.
Width of said
road. Repair.
assessed, the owner of the land shall pay all costs and
expences incurred by such appraisement.
authority aforesaid, That the said president, managers
and company shall have power to erect permanent bridg-
es over the creeks and waters crossed by the said route
or track, whereon the same shall be found necessary,
and shall cause a road sixty feet in width to be laid out
and made from the Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike
road by the route aforesaid to the city of Baltimore, of
which sixty feet the said president, managers and compa-
ny shall be bound to make an artificial road at least
twenty feet in width, of firm, compact and substantial
materials, composed of gravel, pounded stone or other
small hard substances, in such mariner as to secure a
good foundation and an even surface, so far as the nature
of the country and the materials will admit, in the whole
extent of the said road, wherever it shall be necessary,
and the natural surface require it, so as to fulfil the du-
ties of the said company towards the public, and to con-
form to the true intent and meaning of the present act,
and shall forever hereafter maintain and keep the tame
in good repair; Provided, That no toll be demanded or
taken from any person passing or repassing from one
par! of his or her farm to another, or to or from any place
of public worship or funeral, on days appointed for that
purpose, or from militia men on days of training, or
from electors attending the general and township elec-
tions, going to and returning from the same.
Part of road
being complet-
ed, governor
may appoint
person to ex-
amine it. Li-
cense. Tolls.
authority aforesaid, That so soon as the said president
managers and company shall have perfected any distance
of the said road, not less than ten miles, and so from
time to time any distance not less than five miles progres-
sively from the same towards either of the places afore-
said, they shall give notice thereof to the governor of ,
this commonwealth, if on the part of the road lying in
Pennsylvania, or to the governor of Maryland, if on that
part lying in Maryland, who shall thereupon forthwith
nominate and appoint three judicious and disinterested
persons to view and examine, the same, and report to
him whether the road is so far executed in a complete
and workmanlike manner, according to the true intent
and meaning of this act; and if their report shall be in
the affirmative, then the governor shall by license under
his hand and the lesser seal of the commonwealth permit
and suffer the said president, managers and company to
erect and fix such and so many gates or turnpikes upon
and across the said road, as will be necessary and suffi-
cient to collect the tolls and duties hereinafter granted to
the said company, from all persons travelling on the
same with horses, cattle or carriages; Provided always,