raising a sum of money not exceeding one hundred thousand
dollars clear of all expenses in drawing said lottery or lot-
teries, and to dispose of the tickets thereof as well in
the city of Baltimore as in any other part of the state clear
of city taxes, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said
commissioners or a majority of them shall proceed to
make sale of any ticket or tickets in said lottery or lot-
teries, they shall give bond to the state of Maryland in
the penalty of two hundred thousand dollars, conditioned
that they will well and truly conduct the drawing of the
said lottery or lotteries, and within sixty days after the
drawing the same, apply so much of the money arising
therefrom as may be necessary to the payment of the
prizes drawn therein to the adventurers to whom they
may be due; and conditioned also to the payment over to
the mayor and city council of the city of Baltimore from
time to time of the sums of money which may be raised
by the said lottery or lotteries.
Dec. Sess.
ers shall give
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said bond
shall be lodged in the office of the clerk of Baltimore
county court, and upon said bond or any office copy
thereof, suit or suits may be instituted for any breach or
non compliance with the condition thereof.
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That as soon as a
sum of money sufficient to carry the object of this law
into execution shall have been raised by the said lottery
or lotteries, and paid over to the mayor and city council
of Baltimore city, it shall be the duty of the said mayor
and city council to purchase a sufficient lot of ground in
a situation in the city or precincts of Baltimore, and to
cause to be erected thereon for the use of the city, a good
and sufficient fire proof brick or stone building for the
receiving and safe keeping of the arms, accoutrements
and munitions of war appertaining to the militia of the
city, precincts and county of Baltimore; and if after com-
pleting the same there should remain any balance of mo-
ney in the hands of the said mayor and city council, that
it shall be their duty out of said balance, to establish a
permanent fund to be expended in cleaning, repairing
and keeping in good order the said arms, accoutre-
ments and munitions of war.
Bond to be
lodged in the
office of the
clerk of the
Arsenal to
be built. Sur-
plus fund. —
How to be ap-
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That Dr. John Owen
William Lorman, Henry Thompson, J. B. Davidge, Hall
Harrison, Jeremiah Sullivan, William Gibson, Samuel
Baker, Nathaniel Williams, Washington Hall, Middle-
ton B. Magruder, Peter Hoffman, Nathaniel Potter,
Elisha DeButts, Robert Carey Long, Richard W. Hall,
Nicholas Brice, Dennis A. Smith William Gwynn,
Fielding Lucas, David Hoffman and George Winchester
or such of them as shall consent to serve, be, and they
are hereby authorised to propose a scheme or schemes of
ticket, may be
sold free of