Dec. Sess.
a lottery or lotteries, and to sell and dispose of the tick-
ets thereof as well in the city of Baltimore as in any
other part of the state, clear of city taxes or impositions,
any law to the contrary notwithstanding, for raising a
Bum of money not exceeding thirty thousand dollars,
free and clear of all charges deductions and expenses at-
tending the same for the uses and purposes herein after
shall give bond
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said
Dr. John Owen, William Lorman, Henry Thompson, J.
B. Davidge, Hall Harrison, Jeremiah Sullivan, William
Gibson, Samuel Baker. Nathaniel Williams, Washing-
ton Hall, Middleton B. Magruder, Peter Hoffman, Na-
thaniel Potter, Elisha DeButts, Robert Carey Long,
Richard W. Hall, Nicholas Brice, Dennis A. Smith,
William Gwynn, Fielding Lucas, David Hoffman, and
George Winchester or such of them as consent to serve,
proceed to make sale of any ticket or tickets in said lot-
tery or lotteries, they shall give bond to the state of
Maryland in the penal sum of fifty thousand dollars, con-
ditioned that they will well and truly conduct the draw,
ing of said lottery or lotteries, and apply the money aris-
ing therefrom within six months after the drawing there-
of, to the payment of the prizes drawn therein to the ad-
venturers to whom they shall be due, and the charges
and expences incurred in the management thereof and
will pay over the balance thereof to the members of the
Faculty of Physic in the University of Maryland; to be
by them applied to the payment of the balance due on
the lot of ground and edifice thereon erected, which they
own in the western precincts of the city of Baltimore,
and to the purchase and support of a botanical garden, a
library and other necessary apparatus for the said Facul-
ty; which said bond shall be lodged in the office of the
clerk of Baltimore county, to be there recorded, and upon,
such bond or any office copy thereof, suit or suits may be
institued for any breach or non compliance with the con-
ditions thereof.