Dec. Sess.
the foot ways in front of each such lot, or in case of neg-
feet or refusal of such owner or occupier to do the same,
to have the same paved at the expense of such owner or
occupier, as the case may require; to cause owners or
occupiers of lots in the said town or its additions, or any
of them, through which water has heretofore been usual-
ly conveyed, or through which water at the time then
being actually passes, to keep the channels open and un-
obstructed, and in case of their, or any of their refusal
or neglect so to do, to have the same opened and cleansed
at the expense of such owner or occupant, as the case
may require; to cause all the streets and alleys of the
said town, and every of its additions, to be opened and
kept open whensoever they may be obstructed or in-
closed, at the expence of him, her or them, that created
the obstruction or inclosure; to cause all nuisances to
be removed from the said town and its additions, or
any of them, at the expence of him or them who produ-
ced, caused or erected the game; to determine all dis-
putes respecting the limits and boundaries of lots in the
said town or its additions, or any of them; which deter-
mination shall be final against all persons having know-
ledge of the same, unless controverted in the proper
court of law within twelve months after notice or know-
ledge of such determination; to impose a fine of one
dollar on any person who may discharge a gun or other
firearms in the said town or its additions or any of them,
except on days in which the militia may be mustered
or paraded therein, and the like tine upon all persons
or any person who may sutler their chimnies or any of
them, to flame out in the said town or its additions, or
any of them; and the same fine on any person driving,
straining or riding at an immoderate gait, any horse or
horses through the said town or any of its additions.
Tax on pro-
Application of
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
misioners, or a majority of them, shall have full power
to levy on all taxable property in the said town and its
additions, a sum annually, not exceeding twenty-five
cents on every hundred dollars worth of taxable proper-
ty in any one year, which they may collect as other
county taxes are collected, or in any other mode which
to them may seem belter, provided the same be adopted
by ordinance, and apply the same, when so collected, to
the expenses of the said corporation, and the other ob-
jects by this act contemplated, and shall in like manner,
apply all other monies coming to their hands as be-
longing to the said corporation.
Public mo-
15. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said com-
missioners, or a majority of them shall be entitled to de-
mand and have from the commissioners of Elizabeth-
Town, for the time being or any former commissioners
of said town, all public monies belonging to the said
town remaining unexpended in the bands of them or any