of them, together with a list of all persons who may owe
to the said town, or to the commissioners thereof, any
taxes or fines uncollected, which taxes and fines shall
belong to the corporation by this act created, and be
collected, sued for and recovered by the commissioners
hereafter to he appointed, as they might have been col-
lected, sued for and recovered by the said commissioners
of Elizabeth-Town before the passage of this act, and
when received shall belong to the said corporation.
Dec. Sess.
16. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines and pe-
nalties incurred under the provisions of this act, and all
sums of money expended by the commissioners in vir-
tue of this act, in removing nuisances, obstruction to
water courses or in streets or alleys, and for paving foot-
Ways, & for any other purposes, where such money, by the
provisions of this act ought to have been paid by an in-
dividual or individuals, shall and may be recovered from
such individual or individuals by the said corporation,
in the same manner that all other debts are recoverable
by law in the state of Maryland.
Fines and
17. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commission-
ers of Hager's-Town within the last week of the year
for which they were elected, shall annually publish in a
German and an English newspaper printed in Hager's-
Town, a statement of their receipts and disbursements
for that year, and stating the balance if any remaining in
their treasurer's hands, for the information of the inhabi-
tants of the said town.
Receipts and
18. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all laws hereto-
fore passed for regulating the Market in Elizabeth-
Town, Washington county, and appointing commission
ers for the said town, be and the same are hereby repeal-
acts repealed.
A supplement to the act entitled, an act to incorporate a
Company to make a turnpike road leading to Cumber-
land, and for the extension of the charters of the
several banks in the city of Baltimore, and for other
Passed Jan.
17, 1814.
Section 1. BE IT ENACTED by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the presidents and directors, for
the time being, of the several incorporate banks in the
city of Baltimore, the president and directors for the
time being of the Hager's-Town Bank, of the Chono-
cocheague Bank and of the Cumberland Bank of Alle-
gany be, and they are hereby incorporated and constitut-
ed a body politic, by the name of "The President, Man-
agers and Company of the Cumberland Turnpike Road,"
and by the same name the said president and directors
of the aforesaid, banks and their successors, shall have
&c. incorpo-
rated as a com-
pany to make a
road. Tolls,
rules, &c.